MCPE/Bedrock Better Faction v0.6.1.1 (1.17.40+) (New: Beta v0.7.5)

Better Faction is an add-on for pvp faction server, it include some custom command in chat and allow to add home. The pack Need to have Gametest Framework ON. (keep in mind is in development) have fun.
The mod work on xbox, ps4, w10 and pocket edition.
This pack is protected by French legislation, its creators own moral and phisic copyright. any copying is prohibited without the authorization of its owner(s).
now the tpa is added ?

here the list of command that actually work :
for Admin (need to add you the tag 'Admin' -> /tag add @s Admin) :
- +setspawn
- +init all
- +init (if you modify limitHome from map scoreboard).
- +log
for players :
- +help
- +spawn
- +sethome <HomeName>
- +home <HomeName>
- +delhome <HomeName>
- +listhome |or| +list home
- +co
- +tpa <players:Name>

beta 0.7.5 :
+faction create
+faction invite <Player:Name>
+faction accept
+faction quit
+faction unrank <Player:Name>
+faction rank <Player:Name>
+access allow <Command:Name> <Tag:Name>
+access deny <Command:Name> <Tag:Name>
+access allow list
+access deny list

(more command will come soon)
also the mod need better translation join me on discord if you want to help me ? or contact me on Xbox "mister art43".
don't hesitate to do feedback in commentary, i read 👍 (and i apologize for my English 😏 ). if you want to have the update before everyone.
*add the beta version
include :
faction command
access command (allow you to manage custom command)
soon : +sethome in all dimension
+chat (faction, canal, general, admin...)
in progress :
+warp create <Name>
+warp allow <tag> (everyone with this tag will be allow to use this warp).
+warp delete
+warp list
when you start the mod for the first time verify you have Gametest framework checked from your setting, do '/tag @s add Admin', and '+init all'.