MCPE/Bedrock Fantastic Creatures

Fantastic creatures is a complement with an incredible artistic section and with excellent animations, a unique mafia behavior for each entity, this complement seeks to improve Minecraft in all possible ways
This addon already has an official Discord server where you can help us in the development of this addon by reporting errors or contributing ideas so join us to follow the progress of this addon more closely
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- You should not use direct link
- Do not modify the addon
- Give credits to official creators
- Don't steal model textures or animations within the addon
This addon is subject to a license that if not followed may cause legal problems
Chocobos, a larger than normal bird with different abilities, for example, is a very fast transport by land and has other abilities such as swimming or jumping very high, you can find them freely in your world in very open and vegetated places such as prairies.

To tame the chocobo you need a food called gysahl that is found in the nature section

Once tamed you can place a saddle on it by right clicking the mouse in the direction of the entity in android, just approach the chocobo and you will get a button
You can remove the saddle from a chocobo with scissors and now baby chocobos cannot be mount

Black Bear:
Black bears are excellent game animals even more with enemy mobs

Black bears love honey so you can give them bottles of honey to make them happy these big animals will not attack the player unless he is hit they cannot be tamed and they appear in biomes of mountains, forests or in places with many flowers that you can give them raw salmon so the bears grow faster

Gysahl Plant:
Now the gysah plant can be found in survival in grasslands
You can use the bone powder to make it grow faster, it has 4 stages of growth or just wait for the plant to grow on its own when it has its last stage you can break it and get the gysahl

- Black gold hair was added
- Sounds were added to the black bear
- Now the black bear spawns around the world
- Fixed bugs in the bear's behavior
- Better behavior was added to the black bear
- Fixed various bugs
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