MCPE/Bedrock More Vehicles - Updated with Bus and Ambulance

Start your own taxi service, drive your friends around and charge them! Taxi not big enough? How about a bus? Race around in your own F1 racing car? Or an ice-cream truck business and a pizza truck business. How about a cruiser motorbike? Or go into the Fire Fighting business? Ambulance rescue vehicle? Maybe just have some fun blasting around in your dune buggy and SUV, running down those mobs. Eleven vehicles (and a salesman to buy them from). Happy days.
Ambulance, Bus and Cart:
More new vehicles! Fire Engines and F1 Racing Cars:
Pizza truck, cruiser motorcycle:
Here's a quick rundown of the original vehicles.
Used Car Salesman
To get any of these vehicles you need to find yourself a Used Car Salesman, just like these gentlemen:

Check out birch forests at day time. These guys deal in emerald blocks, so bring your stash. The salesman will trade different vehicles, if one doesn't have the vehicle you're after, find another!
The Vehicles
All vehicles are tough and can run over monsters. They have different characteristics depending which biome they are driven in. For example a taxi is very slow through the desert but a dune buggy is very fast. Ice cream trucks are slow just about everywhere (not too bad in Plains biomes). All vehicles will drop their spawn egg if a player destroys them. If they are destroyed by running over a cactus or whatever, no spawn egg for you!
Take your friends for a drive in the countryside. Also accept villagers and... sheep.

For on-site triage after a major wither battle. You'll definitely need this.

Very fast in savanna and desert biomes, faster than the dune buggy actually. Slower everywhere else.

Fire Engine
And it works! Yep, time to put out those pesky fires.

F1 Cars
Best speed is achieved in Plains, Mesa and Frozen biomes. Pretty slow otherwise...

Cruiser Motorcycle
Get ya motor runnin'!

Pizza Truck
Perfect to pair up with the MNO junk food addon.

This is the only four-seater.

Dune Buggy
A two-seater in a wide range of colors.

Another two-seater, go for the crazy rainbow version.

Ice Cream Truck
Who doesn't want one of these! No ice cream though. Add the junk food addon and you're good to go.

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To the awesome youtubers out there, if you do a review/showcase, thank you! Please link back to *this page*. Cheers!
Added a number of new vehicles; the bus, ambulance and go kart.