MCPE/Bedrock Female Statue Hologram Resource Pack

Do you want to build a beautiful female statue in your survival bedrock world? Then I have something for you!
This pack will create a hologram of the female statue when placing down an armorstand.
The only thing you have to do is fill in the blocks and finish the build!.
I downloaded the schematic and used Amulet to edit the statue into a bedrock flat world.
Then i used 2 structure_blocks to save the statue into 2 parts.
After that i used Structura to change them into resource packs that we all can use!
You can see in the video on how to use the packs.
The only thing you have to do is fill in the blocks and finish the build.
You place down one armorstand with resoucepack 1 loaded and you are ready to go.
When you finished part 1 make sure you have 64 blocks between the armorstands when placing number 2!
Please leave a like and i hope you enjoy the build!
Original Schematic:

I changed the featured picture to a much better one without official ingame images. And i gave a more detailed description of the pack.
Hope it's good now and have a nice day!