Destructive TNT Mod

By LasokarXD
Adds 26 new TNTs to your Minecraft game, including: x5, x20, x50, x100, x500, napalm, nuke, fake, god, quick, small, no texture, mining TNT, bad quality TNT, Knockback TNT, Fire TNT, Fast TNT x15, Dynamite, Dynamite x5, Dynamite x20, Dynamite x50, Dynamite x100, Dynamite x Inspired by the Minecraft Java Edition mod too much tnt! Thank you so much for downloading!
Addon that adds 26 new TNT’s to your Minecraft game! Some of them are REALLY destructive!
x5: power of 5 TNT’s
x20: power of 20 TNT’s.
x50: power of 50 TNT’s
x100: power of 100 TNT’s
x500: power of 500 TNT’s
napalm: causes fire.
nuke: destroys and burns
Fast: Explodes instantly
No texture: it’s glitchy
Fake: doesn’t explodes.
Small: explodes less
Mining: Makes a MineHole
God: lags and destroys
bad quality: It’s bad.
KNOCKBACK: knocks you back
Fire: makes a big hole and fires everything close to it
Fast x15: Explodes instantly with power of 15 TNTs
Dynamite: Throwable TNT
Dynamite x5: Throwable TNT x5
Dynamite x20: Throwable TNT x20
Dynamite x50: Throwable TNT x50
Dynamite x100: Thowable TNT x100
Dynamite x500: Throwable TNT x500
Fake dynamite: Throwable Fake TNT
Nuke Dynamite: Throwable Nuke
God Dynamite: Thowable God TNT
All of them: destroy 4 chunks
Craftings: [images below]