MCPE/Bedrock MLG Water Bucket Jump Challenges

Do you ever heard of MLG water bucket jump challenges in Minecraft. If yes, We introducing a new addon that make Water Bucket Jump Challenge more adventurous. Every 30 Seconds you are teleported to Random Bucket Jump Challenges.
If you think you are the pro in water bucket challenges, try this its not easy for you. You are teleported to random height every time with water bucket or slime where you have to jump from the top to ground safely. If you hit the ground, you get damage or Even you die. There are lots of Bucket Jump challenges and some traps in this addon. So be careful. You can also play with your friends. In this version updates 5 new platforms and heights added . and Cobweb jump challenge. You have to place 3 or 4 web to safely land.. See Videos below
Boat, bed and other things challenge are added on next update

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Please send us the link if you are using this addon on YouTube video. We would really appreciate that.
New platforms and height added
New Web Jump challenge added
New platform with Shulker box gives you levitations
Bug Fixed
Just download Behavior pack .mcaddon file from the link and open with Minecraft PE or Bedrock
Create a New World or choose you World (Be sure to backup your old world)
Add Resource pack first and then add Behavior pack and start the game
Enjoy !