MCPE/Bedrock Flank Shot!

Welcome to Flankshot!Join the epic battle against other player where aim really matter! The first team to land three perfect shots without mistakes win! Discover the secrets between the war of two factions!
Welcome to Flankshot!
- In collaboration with Cnc!

•Join the epic battle against other player where aim really matters!
•The first team to land three perfect shots without mistakes will win!
•Rebuild your platform and destroy your enemy!
•Discover the story of the never ending war between the battle of cores!
Version 1.1
New Game Settings!
- 3 Chance Mechanic
- Off option Jump Boost on Emerald
- No early planks on target block option
- (0s/3s/5s/10s) Respawn Timer
NOTE: Game settings found besides red and blue team\Library
-Logs doesn't spawn when died
-Sudden Death will still work after game
-Regeneration doesn't appear