MCPE/Bedrock Fused Vanilla Shader VDark - The Final Update

This is a separate version of my Fused Vanilla Shaders. It has all the features VLight has but different world colors and lighting and a bunch of other stuff. This shader is recommended when you want to enhance your vanilla Minecraft without loosing performance as it is pretty FPS friendly and will work fine on 1-2 gb ram devices.
This is a simple shader and there isn't much of a lighting difference when compared to vanilla.
- Waving Leaves and Water
- Underwater waving
- Saturated and not too bright colours
- Saturated torch lighting
- Contrasting sky color
- Realistic Sky with Realistic sun,moon, and moving clouds OR
- Enhanced vanilla sky with thicc Clouds
- Increase in size and in number of stars with twinkling animations
- Animated Flowers and other plants like lily pads, saplings etc
- Better and clean water
- Better rain with proper splash particles
- Shadows (OPTIONAL)
In-game shots:
With shadows:

Without shadows:


(The world gets a yellow tune)
Night time:



With shadows:

Without shadows:

Sky and stars:

Realistic sky with realistic sun,moon, moving clouds:

Enhanced Vanilla sky with thicc clouds:

Click on the GEAR icon after applying to choose between the two skies.
Rain with particles:

Video Review:
Changes to waving animations in this version:
This shader only works on Ios and Android and does NOT work on Pc or Console.
Credits to Hybred for the cubemap textures, check out his channel!
This will be probably the last version of this shader as MCPE is soon going to loose support for 3rd party shaders when render dragon gets added.
For smoother gameplay, use the Without Shadows version with Enhanced vanilla sky and disable in-game clouds.
Terms of Use!:
- If you want to use this in a video then give the link to this page, not the direct link or any custom link.
- You are not allowed to use any of the textures,code or modify this pack, except for personal use.
- This pack only belongs here and you are not allowed to publish it on ANY other website without my permission.
If you dont follow, I WILL find you and sue you.
Please report any bugs,give suggestions or contact me on my Youtube or Discord: Fused Bolt#9525.
- Added under water waving
- New waving animations for water,leaves,foliage and crops
- New flipbook animations for all the flowers, saplings etc
- Sugar canes no longer wave
- New slightly changed rain particles and water splash particles
- Fixed no underwater fog
- Fixed all the particles being invisible
- Slight changes to the water texture
Note: the update after the final one only includes changes to the thumbnail
When you click on one of the links , you will be redirected to Linkvertise, scroll down then click on Free Access with Ads. You will be sent to another page then click on View Articles and wait for 10 seconds. Then click on X and click on Continue then you will be redirected to Mediafire from there download the pack and open it , it will automatically import to your mc.
If you cannot pass through the link or need ANY help then feel free to contact me on discord. Fused Bolt#9525