MCPE/Bedrock Health Expansion

Health Expansion gives a more RPG themed survival, there are currently 2 gamemodes:
- You start with your regular 10 hearts
- Everytime you die you lose a heart
- The heart item gives you an extra heart unless you're at 40 hearts
- You start with 1 heart
- Whenever you die, you gain 1 extra heart
- If you die with 10 hearts, you become a ghost
- The heart item removes 1 heart, but grants you another life
Lifesteal Alpha:
- You start with 10 hearts
- When you die, you lose a heart
- If you die on your last heart you become a ghost
- The heart item gives you a heart unless you're at 40 hearts
- Everytime you kill someone you gain a heart
- You can type in .withdraw to withdraw a heart(thanks to @Roman Mender!)
Ever get tired of the usual 10 hearts, think it's too easy, think it's too hard, then this addon is just for you!
Minecraft recently updated and made it so you have to enable Holiday Creator Features to be able to play, you can turn it off if you don't want the heart item tho
You can craft Hearts based on which mode you downloaded!
Easy crafting

Normal crafting

Vitality crafting

Lifesteal Alpha crafting(Please ignore the custom totem)

How to use hearts
Just interact with it as if you are eating it

How Lifesteal Alpha works
This update, I update the Lifesteal gamemode with the brand new Withdraw Custom Command!
And yes, I got permission from Roman Mender to use his Custom Commands script in the Lifesteal Alpha Gamemode

Discord: Nubbdz#0474
Discord Server:
I am mostly active on my Discord
Lifesteal Withdraw Patch v1.0.8
- Fixed turning yourself into a ghost by using .withdraw
- Updated Description
- Updated Installation Description
- Added new custom command, to see all available commands, type in .help in chat
- Added screenshot of permission approval from Roman Mender for using his Custom Commands
Make sure to have Holiday Creator Features on for all gamemodes and Enable Gametest Framework for the Lifesteal Gamemode!