MCPE/Bedrock Hot Wheels Acceleracers - Spine Buster - Metal Maniacs

Hi! it's Fay here, a next car for PPA (Project Pixel Acceleracers) cars, yeah you might exited for this ehh?, thats right~ SPINE BUSSSTAAAAAAHH!! the car you are waiting for, this is higly requested one among other, this car driven by Mark(ie) Wylde you may know it right?.

- Spine Buster Basic Specifications :
Driver : Mark(ie) Wylde
vehicles : Spine Buster
- Performance :
455 HP
- Drivertrain :
18” front wheels / 20” back wheels
Carbon fiber pushrod suspension
6-speed transmission
- Command/Egg to spawn :
command : /summon hp:spinebuster [Real Size]
command : /summon hp:spinebuster_model [Toys Size]
Egg : Spawn Spine Buster | METAL MANIACS
Egg : Spawn Spine Buster | METAL MANIACS

- Ntrox2 :
The Blue one are Full of Nitrox2, carefully! to use it, only 3 times you can use nitrox2! so save them if you really need them. How to use them? it's same thing as pig!

Note : it's a re-texture Carrot's on a Stick and Fishing Rods. hehey don't judge me if you fishing with that. LOL.

Spine Buster Visual




Toys Scale vs Real Size
"Use Invisibilty Potion if you wanna ride the Toys Version"
Congratulations! now you just changed to "Hot Wheels beat That" game in Minecraft!
Season2 of PPA Video :

- NOTE :
Welcome to Project Pixel Acceleracers! by Hyperest Studios!, only 1 people who made all of this addon in my studios, and that is HyperF3GamerINDO. To download other vehicle, go to my profile and find them, good luck!. If you wanna share this Addon use this links instead direct link of mediafire, to support me. And continue Project Pixel Acceleracers! now enjoy the Addon!. Other cars from TEKU, METAL MANIACS, RACING DRONES, and SILENCERZ will added more in future.
Visit my website for more info about this addon!

Join our Discord! and submit your ideas!
Click here to download other models!

You can modified this addon however, do not re-upload it! and donot re-upload the links!


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