Prehistoric Rift

By ANightDazingZoroark
Hello there, fellow humans, and welcome to the world of Prehistoric Rift! This addon aims to expand on Minecraft's gameplay by adding prehistoric creatures and improves the vanilla experience!
Before you begin using this addon, enable the commands, holiday creator features, and additional modding capabilities.
Please keep in mind that when disseminating the addon, only the mcpedl page or the github related links should be used. You can also create a video about this addon, but don't make it a cheesy clickbait one.
If you spot any bugs or if you have suggestions you can post them in the bugtracker on GitHub. Just make sure to browse the area first.. You may also feel free to join my discord server where you can casually hang out, or the twitter account for updates.
These items are essential to make the most out of the addon
These food items are needed to tame and breed the creatures in the addon. Different treats work on different mobs, so try play around with them and see
- Berry Treat
- Grassy Treat (tall grass and grass also work)
- Leafy Treat (all types of leaves work)
- Rooted Treats (Beetroots and Carrots also work)
- Flesh Treats (any meat that's not chicken works)
- Fish Treat (salmon also works)
Command Staff
This item is required to utilize the special abilities of your mount. Use it while riding to see what happens!
Harvest Staff
This item allows the creature you're riding to harvest certain items at a higher efficiency than by hand. Different creatures can harvest different items with varying efficiencies. Some creatures may even extract resources from certain blocks!
Command Console
This item allows you to use machines that are attached to the saddle of the creature you are riding, if there are. For example, cannons!
aka the main attraction of this addon :D
Once it exits the biome that granted it the temperature mode it was in a while ago, it will stay in that temperature mode for about 90 seconds before turning back to normal.
The taming method for the Dimetrodon is the same for the Utahraptor, except that its somewhat easier as its neutral.
You can manually change the temperature mode of a tamed Dimetrodon by using stimulants.
The flame stimulant lets it stay in flame mode for 8 minutes. Can be crafted with blaze powder, cooked exotic meat (from most of the mobs in this addon), a truffle (can be harvested by parasaurs from the grass), and a bowl.
The frost stimulant lets it stay in frost mode for 8 minutes. Same recipe as the flame stimulant, but with a snowball instead of blaze powder.
The neutral stimulant lets it stay in neutral mode for 1 minute. Because why not?
Eggs can be obtained thru breeding or through killing Tier 3 mobs. You can pick them up by sneaking and right clicking (tap and hold for mobile).
In order to hatch them, you need to put them in an area of their preferred temperature. The ff are the preferred temperature values of the eggs:
- Tyrannosaurus - Warm
- Stegosaurus - Warm
- Dodo - Neutral, Warm
- Triceratops - Warm
- Utahraptor - Cold
- Apatosaurus - Warm
- Parasaurolophus - Neutral, Cold
- Dimetrodon - Neutral
Warm areas include deserts, badlands, the nether, and altitudes of 32 and below while underground. Cold areas include anything with snow (except for extreme hills), places where its raining, water, and altitudes of 128 and above while exposed to air. Neutral areas include everything else between altitudes of 32 and 128
It can take minutes to hatch eggs, but if you want to speed up the process, you can use the Dimetrodon!