Ash Pack v1

By xxkacchanxx
A simple add-on that adds several new decorative blocks and items into the game to make it more funky. This is my first ever add-on so please, have patience and enjoy.
Currently, this add-on includes 5 new blocks and 1 item:
- Andesite Bricks
- Diorite Bricks
- Granite Bricks
- Block of Thatch
- Woven Thatch
- Thatch (item)
- 1 Polished Andesite/Diorite/Granite > 1 Andesite/Diorite/Granite Brick
- 4 Thatch (2x2 in a Crafting Table) > 1 Block of Thatch
- 2 Block of Thatch + 2 Thatch (2x2 in a Crafting Table) > 2 Woven Thatch
- 1 Wheat (in a Furnace/Smoker) > 1 Thatch