MCPE/Bedrock Kiyoshi's Artifacts

This addon contains different artifacts usable by players.
All artifacts can be used infinitely but has different amount of cooldowns.
To use an artifact just long-press or right click while holding it in your hand
Note: Artifacts may harm your friends and pets if they're around the artifacts' reach. ( I will fix this very soon )
Current Addon Version: V.0.1
Watch this youtube video for a better explanation
How to obtain?
Most artifacts can be found on treasure chests and loots from different types of structures all around your world
Some can be obtained through trading and barters, while some can be crafted, and few can be acquired by doing such task such as fishing, and less are mobs loots.
All artifacts are in the equipment's category in your creative inventory.
Or just simply type
/give @s kna:<the artifact you want>
Example: /give @s kna:eternal_steak

Eternal Steak - replinishes a few of your hunger bars and has at least 8 nutrition. ( 15 seconds cooldown )

Healing Potion - heals 8 of your hitpoints = 4 hearts ( 25 seconds cooldown )

Clay Bricks - gives you 10 bricks ( 25 seconds cooldown )

XP Tome - gives you 8 experience levels ( 100 seconds cooldown )

Golem Kit - summons an iron golem for support ( 125 seconds cooldown )

Ghast Ball - shoots a fireball ( 28seconds cooldown )

Jump Boots - "not a literal boots" gives jump boost III for a few seconds ( 25 seconds cooldown )

Speed Boots - "also not a literal boots" gives speed III for a few seconds ( 25 seconds cooldown )

Haste Spell- gives haste for a few seconds ( 35 seconds cooldown )

Dynamite - summons a tnt that is ready to explode ( 45 seconds cooldown )

Concussion Bomb - stuns all mobs around you radius for 10 seconds ( 50 seconds cooldown )

TP Pearl - throws an ender pearl ( 20seconds cooldown )

Lifesteal Feather - hurting mobs heals you ( no cooldown )

Blast Crystal - summons end crystals on mobs around you and gives you resistance ( 100 seconds cooldown )

Midnight Escape Berries- gives night vision, speed,and invisibility for 30 seconds, good for escaping( 155 seconds cooldown )

Drowned Shards - shots a trident then gives you water breathing and night vision ( 70 seconds cooldown )

Quiver - rains arrow on mobs around you ( 32 seconds cooldown )

Blinding Sac - blinds all entites around you by giving them blindness for a short time ( 70 seconds cooldown )

Dragon Ring - shoots a dragon fireball and gives you resistance and strength ( 250 seconds cooldown )

Lightning Conductor - summons lightning on all mobs around you ( 75 seconds cooldown )

Flame Thrower - fills 7×7 square around with blazing flames ( 40 seconds cooldown )

Amythest Crystal - teleports all mobs around you in front you and explodes them ( 80 seconds cooldown )

Golden Soup -gives you extra 8 hearts for a little while ( 65 seconds cooldown )

Shulker Stone - levitates all mobs around you ( 80 seconds cooldown )

Cold Snow - summons 3 snowmen to support you ( 80 seconds cooldown )

Chorus Amulet - randomly teleports all mobs around to a 20 block radius ( 45 seconds cooldown )

Wither Star - shoots a wither skull that inflicts wither ( 130 seconds cooldown )

Filling Bundle - magnets items near you ( 25 seconds cooldown )

Water Sprayer - throws a water bottle splash that extinguishes fire ( 12 seconds cooldown )

Bushy Camou - fills 5×5 area with tall grass and gives you invisibility ( 100 seconds cooldown )

Feather Fall- gives slow falling for a few seconds ( 60 seconds cooldown )

Gravity Template- gives levitation for a few seconds ( 48 seconds cooldown )

Coral Guard Totem - summons a boosted underwater army of axolotls to protect you from sea monsters ( 135 seconds cooldown )

Winter Disc - sets all near mobs to ice and freeze them ( 100 seconds cooldown )

Bomb - need both the "TnT Book" and the "remote" to work
First, set the mark spot where you want it to blast by using the "TnT Book"
Then secondly, just press the "Remote" and boom!!
( 25 seconds cooldown )

If you want a direct mediafire link, open up the youtube video up above. :p
Just made a few edits and adds a few pictures for a better look.