MCPE/Bedrock LBPE Shader 2.4.1

The LBPE Shader v2.4.1 is a shader made for low-end devices (1~2 GB RAM) with all the possible realism without losing the Vanilla essence of Minecraft with realistic shadows, yellowing lighting, realistic sky, and realistic underwater

The LBPE Shader is a shader made for low-end devices (1~2 GB RAM) with all the possible realism without losing the Vanilla essence of Minecraft.
This Shader adds:
- Realistic and dense shadows

- Yellowing lighting

- White and dark clouds with a slight degraded

- Dazzling sun

- Wave underwater

- Wet ground cover

- Wave leaves

El LBPE Shader es un shader hecho para dispositivos de gama baja (de 1~2 GB RAM) con todo el realismo posible sin perder la esencia vanilla de minecraft.
Este Shader Agrega:
-Sombras realistas y densas
-Iluminación amarillenta
-Nubes realistas, blancas y oscuras y con un lejero degradado
-Sol deslumbrante
-Movimiento bajo el agua
-Efecto de terreno húmedo
- Movimiento de hojas
-Fixed bugs
-Changed degraded clouds
-Added Color map file