MCPE/Bedrock (M)ore! (V5) Last Update!

Ever wanted new Ores in Minecraft which don't just add new Armor and tools? WELL! Then your at the right place :)This Addon adds 22 New Ores which have special uses. An explanation to (M)ore: (M)ore (Or More ore) Is an addon which adds not just ores, it also adds crystals, alloys, geodes, etc And this also not just for the Overworld Each Ore has special abilitys. Like Jasper can be made into an artefact or Bronze into statues Ofc there Are ores which can be made into Tools/armors like Tin
Lets begin with the Overworld Ores
(P.s you can craft an Guide Book in the addon)
Pearl is an "Structure Ore" so it spawns in an Structure
First all blocks of Pearl:

Pearls spawn in an Strucure called Clams.
These have 2 ways to spawn. Closed and Opened. However each has a Pearl block in them

They also only spawn in Oceans
They for now only can be made into Decoration blocks..
for now ?
Next is Obsidian Diamond Ore which also is a "Structure Ore" which spawns in the Overworld and Nether
Nothing too Special tbh
It can drop 1-3 Diamonds (And needs ofc a Diamond pickaxe or higher)

Next is
Sulfur spawns really common and has 2 Uses

First you can make Gun powder out of it

And also some nice decoration Blocks

(Sulfur needs an Stone pickaxe or higher)
Next is Aluminum (Needs Stone pickaxe or higher)

Its really common and can be made into Lanterns and Chains.
It can also be made into Carrots and apples

The Carrots are the best Food sourch btw
Next is Bronze an Alloy out of Tin and Copper
To get Bronze do this:
Put both The Tin and Copper in the Crafting table to get "Tin and Copper ingot" Then put it in the Furnace/Blast furnace to get Bronze

Bronze can be made into Chains/Lanters too and can be made into Statues

Recipe of Statues:

Recipe of Bronze:

Next is TIN! (Needs Stone pickaxe or higher)

Tin can also be made into Lanterns and Chains.
HOWEVER also into Armor and Tools.
Its a bit better then Iron

Resonite is a Crystal and Structure Ore.
It spawns in the Nether and Warped Forest Only!

They need an Iron Pickaxe and Can be used to CRAFT Enchanted Books.
Here some examples:

Next Is Jasper
This only has 1 Use for now..
The Jasper Artefact have different types. As example the one out of Gold when using it heals you. Its pretty cheap and has only 5 uses

And now the strongest of all of them
Its the Diamond of the End (Needs Iron pickaxe or higher)

It can't despawn and Explode.
The rest is pretty much the same as diamond
This is an Nether Ore which needs Iron Pickaxe to be mined

It has 6 uses for now
which are 5 chests.
The Manganese Chest (Iron and gold and Copper and Diamond and Netherite)
they have more slots then a Normal Chest





Now we get into
Rose Gold
Its the same how you get Bronze (Just with Copper and Gold)

Its Faster then Gold and Netherite and has more Durablity then Iron
It also has Chains and Lanterns
Next is Duralumin which is made out of Aluminium,copper and Manganese

It has really High Durablity (7000+) But is as good as iron
Next is Crystalized Diamonds.
They spawn randomly on caves and have 4 Stages which can be found.
They need an iron Pickaxe to be mined btw

when mined you get the Crystals. put these in the stonecutter to get the Cut versions. Which these you can get tools from it. They are REALLY Sharp and do a lot of damage. However they have a little more durablilty then Iron and can't be enchanted (Only unbreaking and Mending works)

Next is another Crystal from the Nether
the turquoise Crystal

They also need atleast an Iron Pickaxe.
When broken you can make out of the Shards "Clam Quartz"

When interacted you can get these effects:

They also remove some effects like slowness
Calm quartz can be used to make Enchanted Golden Apples

Now Electrum
It has 2 uses (Needs btw Stone pickaxe)

when mined you get the Nuggets
Both Nugget and Ingot can be used as a Really good Fuel

They can also be made into an Lighting staff

It will strike lighting on these objects:
Iron ingot/Nugget
Copper ingot
Electrum nugget/Ingot
Electrum Nuggets can be used to Upgrade:
Rose Gold



And Duralumin

They are crafted like this:

They Are better and Stronger.
However the Tools have a power:
When a Electrum Nugget is on the Ground and you interact with it it gets into Hyper Mode.
However there it will loose 10 Durability then.
Next is Lead (Needs Stone Pickaxe)

The Armor when worn will remove all Bad effects:
Here the list:
Lead helmet Removes:
Lead Chestplate Removes:
Lead Leggings Removes:
-Mining Fatigue
Lead Boots Removes:
Lead has really low Armor points however:

It can be used aswell to make poison Potion

Next is Jade (Needs wooden Pickaxe)

It can be made into a few nice Decoration Blocks.
Next off is Carbon 37 And Carbon 38

Carbon 37 (The Coal looking one)
Is a Really good Fuel and makes Torches/Soul Torches recipe easier

However Carbon 38 Is a bit rare and can be made in the Blast Furnace into diamonds

Carbon 37 needs stone pickaxe and 38 Iron Pickaxe
Next is the First Geode which spawns in the Nether

Smithsonite has 3 Uses. They need an Iron Pickaxe btw
First the Charms:

on Use they TP you where your looking. Have quiet low durability however
Next is that they are used to make totems:

And last that they can be made into Regeneration III Potions:

Now Comes Zirconium
It can be mined with an Stone pickaxe

It can be made into Lanterns.
These Lanterns are special because Some mobs are scared of them:

Now XP Ore:

This drops an XP orb when interacting gives . Needs Wooden Pickaxe
These are all Ores!
Now a Special Feature:
There are 6 Different new Golems which different abilites:

btw here the head recipes:

Just ou the heads on the Golem structure:
First Bronze and Tin Golem:
These are pretty much the same as Iron Golem but more health:

Rose Gold Golem is faster and has more HP (300)

Aluminum is also faster and has a lot more Health (500)

And the Strongest of them the Duralumin Golem has A LOT of HP (1000) but is really slow

Electrum Golem now is a lot faster and stuns mobs when attacking:

All Ores and where they spawn
aluminum (Overworld)
y= -10 - 70
Crystal Diamond(Overworld)
Y=12- -64
Jasper (Overworld)
Y= 40- -20
zirconium (Everywhere Netherd)
Carbon (everywhre Overworld)
maganese(Everywhere Nether)
Onyx(Everywhere End)
Resonite (Warped Forest)
Obsidian diamond Ore (Nether and Overworld caves)
Pearl (In oceans)
Sulfur (Overworld)
Y= 93 - -2
Tin (Overworld)
Y= 93-20
Electrum (Overworld)
Y=64- -64
Turquoise(Nether everywhere)
Lead (Overworld):
Y= -23 - 70
Jade (Overworld)
Y= -10 - 70
Here is all Stuff Durability,attack damage and such:

And lead has only 300 durability
This is all
Hope you enjoy ?
Everything for V4:
Changed many textures and now custom Pickaxes break ores faster
I also added Raw Blocks

Now there are 4 new Types of Chests
Rose gold

Now Deepslate Ores are here btw!

This is the ACTUAL Last Update . If I notice Any bugs I will Fix them ASAP
-Fixed XP ore Texture
-Added All Deepslate Ores
-Changed Ore Spawning