MCPE/Bedrock Maximum Enchantment

Have you ever thought about the maximum level of enchantment items and armor? If so, then the map "Maximum Enchantment" will help you. On this map, all items are enchanted to the highest possible level for the game - 32767. You can become a god, without add-ons and mods!
When you enter the world, first look in the chest.

As mentioned earlier, all items on this map are enchanted to the highest possible level for the game - 32767. There is a diamond kit, shield, bow, trident, crossbow, fishing rod, unusual stick, scissors and elytra.
If your items thrown to the floor are not picked up, and the mobs are standing still and not moving, most likely your Minecraft is frozen. Close it and remove it from the loaded memory of the smartphone / tablet, open it again and start the world. On a computer / laptop, just close the window with Minecraft and open Minecraft again and start the world. Everything should work.
Due to the enormous power of items and armor, you can be far from spawn. Use the command /tp @s 1 1 1 and use any of 4 buttons to teleport to spawn.
- Updated description
- Updated map
- Updated screenshots
- Now the map WILL EXACTLY be exported on all devices, including windows, android, ios...
Forgive me for the export problem.
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- 6. Download file
- 7. Rename file in any file manager and remove the ".zip" on the end of file name (If you do not have ".zip" skip this step)
- 8. Open file to import map in Minecraft