MCPE/Bedrock McRTX Tweaks Pack

McRTX Tweaks patch is a tiny resource pack that changes/tweaks some aspects of Vanilla game to make it feel better with ray tracing, Features better Grass blocks, other minor tweaks to clouds/sun & more.
- Better Grass, Podzol, Grass path, Mycelium, Snowed Grass (And a subpack that you can change to Heightmaps instead of normals, this is only to retain consistency of textures while using it along with Vanilla RTX Normals different subpacks)
- Diagonal Sun
- Diagonal Moon
- Better rain particles
- Lesser Clouds (Huge chunks of clouds can cast shadows for a Long time over world, which can be annoying, this is only to reduce It's effect while still having cloud settings turned on)
- Better Rain particles
Although all of this modifications are very simple, they really do affect things in a very good way.



Edited Rain particle & reduced their opacity to look better with ray tracing since particles aren't ray traced, making their effect more subtle can greatly improve how it looks, there are now less-opaque grey particles replacing opaque, saturated blue lines which clashes with overall lightning of ray traced game.
added a screenshot regarding this change.
As previously stated in description, There's a subpack for Heightmaps if you're using it along withVanilla RTX Normalswith heightmaps subpack:

Other important notes:
1. It's not a shader pack and to look like screenshots you must be on Windows 10 Edition of Minecraft with an RTX 20 Series/RX 6000 Series GPUs or better.
2. It must be placed ABOVE Vanilla RTX Normals or any other PBR resource packs it is used along with, as It only replaces a few textures!