MCPE/Bedrock MeCreeps Add-On V1

Finally I make a MeCreeps Add-On for Minecraft pe It's a very nice add-on and MeCreeps can help you with a lot of things in his Menu such asXJust idle a bitDig a 3×3 tunnel, 32 blocks long Flatten an area Follow me and lightup Light up the area Build a house Pickup items Follow me and pickup item shop this tree
First you must get
2 diamonds
6 gold ingot
1 breast
And put it on the crafting table like the picture

And you'll get Cube Creeps!
And then you can summon 4 MeCreeps with random faces
Long click in MeCreeps and the menu will appear!!
To control in the menu:
1_Click to choose Next Choose
2_Sneaking (Shift) and click to select Back
3_Sneak and jump to choose what you want!
Now the ability of the MeCreps:
1_ Select X:
This selection will close the menu,

2_ Select Just idle a bit:
win select it and sneak and jump on MeCreeps will come to Cube Creeps,

3_ Select Dig a 3×3 tunnel, 32 blocks long:

Win you choose this ability, you will summon 4 blocks around MeCreeps click in any block and MeCreeps will start work in his way,

4_ select Flatten the area:

this ability start immediately and MeCreeps will destroy 5×5 in height 3,

5_ select Follow me and light up:

you should give tourch to MeCreeps to love you

and he will follow you and put tourch every 10 secound,
6_ select Light up the area:

win you choose this ability, 4 block will summon around MeCreeps click in any block and MeCreeps will put the tourch is his way,

7_ select Build a house:

and this abitily will start immediately and MeCreeps will build a house,

8_ select Pickup items:

you can use this ability in one MeCreeps only in your world and he will move random move and attract items in r=7,

9_ select Follow me and pickup items:

win you choose this select you should give torch to MeCreeps but you have 10 second to do it and if you don't do that this ability will didn't work
and after give hem tourch to love you he will start follow you and pickup items,

10_ select Choop this tree:

and this ability will start immediately win you choose it,
all leaves around MeCreeps will destroy,

11_ finally Next:

i will add new ability in next vision (V2)

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