MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Bedrock Money Addon- Includes Offhand Support!!

This is a great money addon made by me (ItzMeStevo). The money includes 1$,5$,10$,50$,100$ and 1000$ (1k). It is a very good mod for your minecraft world/server/realm. Hope you enjoy this and have fun using it!

This money addon is great! I have also made it so you can now put all of the money into your offhand. This is great because there is only a few items which go in your offhand. Another great feature about this mod is that I can customize it to however you would like! Just join my discord server at and drop me a DM at Danostevo#4765 and i can change name, currency, texture, crafting recipe and even add more money for you!

How to use:
The money is just a regular item which stacks to 64. You can use it in your worlds as a currency for players. The money has 6 types which come in the form of a 1$ note, 5$ note, 10$ note, 50$ note, 100$ note and finally, a 1000$ note.
This addon REQUIRES experimental features ON. To activate this, go to your world settings, then the game tab, then scroll down and activate holiday creator features. This will make a copy of your world if it is an already existing world. You will need to play on this copy and it will be the exact same as your world but with experimental features turned on.
How to obtain the money:
There is no crafting recipe for the money but as I said earlier you can DM me on discord and I will happily add crafting recipes for you!
In the Creative inventory, go to the Items tab and right at the bottom you will see all of the money to get.
Another way is to use the /give command if you are an operator. Here are all the commands:
1$ = /give @s moneyaddon:money1
5$ = /give @s moneyaddon:money5
10$ = /give @s moneyaddon:money10
50$ = /give @s moneyaddon:money50
100$ = /give @s moneyaddon:money100
1000$ = /give @s moneyaddon:money1000
I changed the download links so that there are only articles not ads aswell
The download links are on this page. To download please get the mcpacks for a normal world and the zip for a server/realm. To install the mcpacks, first download them, then just go to your downloads folder on your device and just press on the mcpack file. There are problems with this on IOS so if it won’t work please watch this youtube video (not by me)
Once you have done this. The mcpacks will be imported and all you will need to do is go onto your world and activate the resource and behaviour packs. Then turn on holiday creator features in the game tab of settings, and then you are done. If you are downloading for a server/realm please search up how to install packs on a realm or on your server provider. Thank you for getting this pack and if there are any problems, DM me on discord. Details above. Have fun!