Introducing Terminator to your Minecraft world!This is a powerful mob that has the ability tofollow entities, destroy blocks and build blockswhen the terminator thinks it's necessary,pick up melee and ranged weaponssuch as swords and bows to attack entities,and wear armorssuch as chestplates to protect itself from being damaged.
Terminator abilities
Build and destroy blocks
This terminator canbuild blocksto reach its target andbreak blocksthat stops the terminator from reaching the target.
This terminator canattack mobs
Terminator can attack the following mobs:
Iron golems
Snow golems
Tamed parrots
Terminator attacks a selected mob when both mobs have the right conditions.
Terminator only attacks mobs that does not have invisibility effect.
Terminator requires almost full netherite armor and one melee weapon in order to fight an iron golem.
For more infomation check out this image of terminator's attack requirement
The terminator cantrack your locationand finds ways to go to the target easily in order to kill the entity.
The video below is about a pathfinding test of the terminator tries to find ways to kill the player under the surface while the terminator is on the surface.
The test was taken during Terminator's development (v0). The result shown in the video may not be as accurate as the performance in the add-on's latest version.
/function terminator/nbt/noregen-Disables terminator's regeneration when its health is low for the first time
Terminator's Debug category
/function terminator/debug/*- Used for developers to debug terminator's properties
Feeding the terminator
Method:You feed the terminator as you feed a horse.
You can feed the terminator food that players can eat.
The amount of health the terminator gains when fed one of the food is the same as the amount of food points player gets when eat one of the food. For more information about food points and items players can eat check outMinecraft Wiki.
Difference about food points for players and health points for terminators:
Terminator restores 14 health points from eating cake
Terminator cannot eat chorus fruit
Terminator Combat
TheTerminator Combatis a major update released forTerminator Combat Update(add-on version 1.3).
In order for the terminator to use different kinds of combat, they need to pick up the weapon in order to switch combat mechanic.
Shield is activated when the terminator is holding a shield in main hand or off hand
Shield has a 5 ticks (0.25 seconds) cooldown after a defense before blocking another attack or terminator's hand
The shield disables damage cause by: block explosion, entity attack, entity explosion and projectile
Spawn a terminator
You can obtain the terminator spawn egg in the creative inventory
2. Use the/summoncommand to spawn the terminator
3. Use the/functioncommand to spawn the terminator, executing any of these commands will spawn the terminator with the nametag.
4. Craft the terminator spawn egg using a crafting table, here is the recipe:
Thanks May5Flames for the terminator crafting recipe!
Different skins!
Terminator now has different skins!
Christmas skins only display in Minecraft from December 1st to December 25th. The add-on will change their skin back to normal afterwards.
Terminator death messages
Terminator now displays death message when they die
This feature supports all languages Minecraft supports, but translation may not be accurate. Please report to GitHub Repository or Discord server.
Dimension Pathfinding (Work in progress):
Terminator has the ability to find portal blocks when a lot of players is in another dimension. Due to Minecraft's limitation, terminator can only find portal blocks that are visible to terminator for now.
Important information:
This add-on is still in development, glitches and bugs may occur at some point.Join my Discord serveror report toTerminator GitHub Repositoryif there are any issues, questions and feedbacks regarding to the add-on's installation or the gameplay.
You are not allowed to repost this add-on to other websites.
This add-on is compatible with other add-ons
Spawning a lot of terminators in your nearby area can potentially cause massive destruction.It is recommended that you save a copy of your worldbefore spawning a lot of them!
When you are making a YouTube video, you must put the link of this postin the description of the video and must not have any other direct-download links.
/function terminator/nbt/noregen - Disables terminator's regeneration when its health is low for the first time
Add-on now uses "GameTest Framework" as one of add-on's dependencies
Entity now spawns with the name tag "Terminator"
Dimension pathfinding for terminator is now possible with limitation for now
Add-on is now translated to 29 languages
Added 30 death messages for terminator to display when they die
This category shows things that existed in previous versions that's modified from the last public release v1.3.20
Watermark is changed
Bossbar now becomes an optional feature (Disabled by default from now on)
Bug fixes
This category shows things that existed in previous versions that's modified from the last public release v1.3.20
Removed glowing obsidian from terminator build block list
The download link will redirect you to linkvertise and github. After downloading the add-on from github and import the add-on to Minecraft, make sure both resource pack and behavior pack are imported so you do not have the error related to incompatibility when applying the add-on.
After you applied the add-on to the world, these are the experimental options required to be activated inworld settings:
This add-on is released for Minecraft version 1.17.30or above
Download archives
We archive previous Terminator add-on on our GitHub Repository. If you find bugs/issues in this version, perhaps check out if other version also encountered the same issue. The link is in Installationsection.