MCPE/Bedrock MineMoney Add-on - Adds Money!

The MineMoney add-on adds Minecraft-store inspired currency to your Survival or Roleplay worlds! With six new money items, eight new blocks, new mobs, more chest loot, etc. you can trade with other players or horde your riches in a vault until your heart's content.
Six of the new items and blocks are based off of the Minecoins you can purchase in the Minecraft-store, so these items fit in really well!

There are a lot of ways to get your hands on these coins in Survival mode! You can Wandering Banker and trade with him, explore the ancient structures and find their treasure, kill hostile mobs and be rewarded, barter with the greedy pig people, fish in the deep depths of the ocean, mine in the dark caverns of the many dimensions, and more!
(the ores don't actual generate like this lol)

When your pockets get too full of coins, you then can compress and decompress your coins into cash and blocks or back by crafting with them in a crafting table.
You can find all of the recipes in the crafting guide built into your inventory!

If you want to get them in creative, simply check the tabs, or give the items/blocks to yourself with commands ("bb:" is prefix).
You can now craft and use the old PlayStation Tokens! These tokes can be crafted and then used at the Token Machine by clicking the block with a token in hand!

Wandering Banker
The Wandering Banker is like a Wandering Trader, except he lets you trade item/blocks for Minecoins and PS Tokens!
Also, he spawns with donkeys instead of llamas.

You must enable the Experimental Features on your world!
Custom blocks cannot have a tool assigned to them to make them break faster!
Ask for my permission before re-uploading to other places!
Impossible things I wanted to add
An ATM that would have worked like an ender chest and allowed someone to store their 5 different money types in it.
A Wallet to store your money in during your travels to make carrying them take up less room.
A "Midas Touch" enchantment that would have made mobs drop more coins.
That is it! If you want to download just click the link below. Also, if you want to see when I release new add-ons, follow me on Twitter (@TheBombBardYT) - ?
- Revamped Wandering Banker Trades
- Lowered Wandering Banker Spawn Rates (added a cap to how many can exist at once, they despawn similar to the normal wandering trader)
- New Balance on Coin Ore Generation (+generates in the new cave depths!)
- New Deepslate Coin Ore
- New Minecoin Block
- New PS Token Block
- New Animated Token Machine Texture
- Updated most textures of items/blocks to look better (most notably the coin stacks/piles)
- Changed mentions of "stack" in items to "pile" to help make people not confused when discussing money
- Nerfed Token Machine luck rates
- Nerfed Minecoin drop rates from hostile mobs (same chance as wither skeleton skulls now)
- Nerfed Minecoin Piglin barter chance/amount (both slightly lowered)
- Compression/decompression recipes are now shapeless
- New Creative Menu Organization
- Fixed texture issues/inconsistences (multiplayer problems should be resolved)
- Reformatted the code of most items/blocks/files to newer update versions
- Removed Villager Trades for Coins (Too OP)
- Removed Tokencash (Didn't fit in right)
To install the add-on, open the .mcaddon file into Minecraft