MCPE/Bedrock ZG's Journeys Addon v1.1

ZG's Journeys is My Second Addon Created, This Addon inspired by The Famous Mod Called Project Vibrant Journeys, it's Add Custom Blocks with Custom Model And a Few New Items Aswell..
All Blocks can be found in plains, desert, taiga, forests, jungle, and beaches
Turn on Experimental Features

Available Blocks
Easter Egg, Pinecone, Mushroom, Seashell, and Bone



Gravestone, and Leaf pile


This are all the blocks included in the Addon... More Custom Blocks Will be Added in the Feature!
Credit me if you want to Showcase this Addon
There are some blocks that don't exist in ZG's Structure Plus Addon.. Other blocks that u see in this pack are only Available on this Addon every update!
- New Improved Gravestone Texture
- Gravestone Placement is Fix
- Forgot to put the Missing Screenshots
- Bug Fix!
None Zip File
Download the Addon above and when it's Done go to File Manager/Download Folder and Press The MCPack File And it will Automatically open Minecraft
Zip File
Download the Addon above and when it's Done go to File Manager/Download Folder, Extract the File and placed the RP & BP to 0/games/com.mojang/Resource pack & Behavior pack