MCPE/Bedrock Mo'Dungeons

Mo'Dungeons is an add-on that adds new dungeons into the game, it will be a growing mod overtime and will feature new weapons, armor, entities and of course dungeons. v1.0.0

Mo'Dungeons Beta V0.0.4
Mo'Dungeons is a growing mod that currently features multiple new dungeons. (tested platforms: Windows 10)
I have released a brand new version of Mo'Dungeons as of 6th November 2021. All the old content is included but with new up-to date dungeons and structures to encounter!
This wouldn't be possible without the dedication of the development team!
Thankyou Difis, Hanif, Izumi and Toxi for helping with this project!
The crimson/Warped tower is a small dungeon that spawns on the surface in either the crimson or warped forest biome in the nether.

The Dwavern cove is a small underground structure that spawns in the dripstone caves biome (Currently spawns in the underground generally. In full release this will spawn in the dripstone caves only!). It is the home of the dwarven traders. It spawns between y level -30 and 30.

Sky islands are a small dungeon found floating in the sky of the overworld. They hold basic loot within them and have mob spawners of varying variety.

The soul dungeon is a moderately sized dungeon found between Y = 4 and Y = 40. The walls consist of soul brick, which is unmineable without the use of a soul pickaxe. Without a soul pickaxe the dungeon can only be entered through the proper entrance which is made of the soul brick entrance block, which is breakable with a fist.

The soul stronghold is a large dungeon found between Y = 25 and Y = 30. The walls consist of soul brick, which is unmineable without the use of a soul pickaxe. Without a soul pickaxe the dungeon can only be entered through the proper entrance which is made of the soul brick entrance block, which is breakable with a fist.
As is custom with the Soul dungeon line up, I will let YOU discover the inside for yourself
(their is a hidden chest in the stronghold, try and find it for a small challenge) hint: it's near iron bars. c;

The surface temple dungeon is a small dungeon that spawns on the surface of the overworld. Despite no explicit loot, there are multiple mob spawners that can be taken advantage of.

The surface tower dungeon is a large dungeon that spawns on the surface of the overworld. It is a very difficult dungeon with a large number of strong hostile mobs within, however the loot within is accordingly excellent.

The underground city is a massive underground dungeon found between Y = -50 and Y = -20 It spans over 100 blocks in both directions, and consists of a massive number of buildings with a very large amount of loot.

The underground grove is a small dungeon found between Y = 7 and Y = 37. It is a peaceful dungeon, as there are no mob spawners and pre spawned mobs. Mobs may still spawn naturally due to darkness.

The underground hall dungeon is a large dungeon found between Y = 0 and Y = 30. It is distinctive due to it's use of soul fire for ambient lighting.

The underground slime dungeon is a small dungeon found between Y = 10 and Y = 55. As the name suggests, large quantities of slimes and magma cubes spawn within the dungeon.

The underground zombie dungeon is a small dungeon found between Y = 10 and Y = 55. It is similar in style to vanilla dungeons.

The Frozen Dungeon is a small dungeon that features the all new Frozen Zombie. It can be found in cold biomes at the surface.

The dwarf trader is a passive mob found underground in the dripstone cave biome, spawning within the dwarvern cove structure (CHECK!!!) The dwarf trader sells all dwavern tools, weapons, and armour, as listed below. The dwavern hammer costs three netherite ingots and three diamonds. The following items cost seven diamonds and sixteen iron ingots:
Dwarvern sword, Dwarvern battleaxe, Dwarvern pickaxe, Dwarvern shovel, Dwarvern axe, Dwarvern boots, Dwarvern leggings, Dwarvern chestplate and the Dwarvern helmet

The frozen zombie is a hostile mob, and a variant of the zombie. It spawns in cold biomes, and can inflict the slowness debuff on players. (Currently does no effect in Beta V0.0.4)

The moth is a passive mob that spawns underground.

The skeleton warrior is a powerful hostile mob that spawns in the overworld. Unlike other undead mobs found in the overworld, it does not burn in sunlight.

The soul axe is a late game axe with a mining speed of 13. It is crafted with two sticks and three soul ingots.
The soul battleaxe is a powerful late game melee weapon that does 9 attack damage. It is crafted from two sticks and five soul ingots.
The soul pickaxe is a late game pickaxe with a mining speed of 13. It is crafted from two sticks and three soul ingots, and is the only pickaxe capable of mining soul dungeon and stronghold bricks (CHECK NAME).
The soul shovel is a late game shovel with a mining speed of 13. It is crafted from two sticks and one soul ingot.
The soul sword is a powerful late game melee weapon that does 7 attack damage. It is made using a stick and two soul ingots.

Soul boots are a late game armour piece that are worn in the boots armour slot. It provides4 armour points and is crafted using four soul ingots.
Soul leggings are a late game armour piece that are worn in the leggings armour slot. It provides 7 armour points and is crafted using seven soul ingots.
The soul chestplate is a late game armour piece worn in the chestplate armour slot. It provides 9 armour points and is crafted from eight soul ingots.
The soul helmet is a late game armour piece worn in the helmet armour slot. It provides 4 armour points and is crafted using 5 soul ingots.

The soul ingot is an item used to craft powerful soul weapons, armour, and tools. It is obtained by smelting soul ore in a furnace or blast furnace.
Soul ore is a naturally generating colour shifting ore found between Y = -60 and Y = 20. Mining the ore is possible with any pickaxe and provides one soul ore block. This can then be smelted in a furnace or blast furnace to create one soul ingot.

The rubedite axe is a late game axe with a mining speed of 16. It is crafted with two sticks and three rubedite ingots.
The rubedite battleaxe is a powerful late game melee weapon that does 10 attack damage. It is crafted from two sticks and five rubedite ingots.
The rubedite pickaxe is a late game pickaxe with a mining speed of 16. It is crafted from two sticks and three rubedite ingots.
The rubedite shovel is a late game shovel with a mining speed of 16. It is crafted from two sticks and one rubedie ingot.
The rubidite sword is a powerful late game melee weapon that does 8 attack damage. It is made using a stick and two rubedite ingots.

Rubedite boots are a late game armour piece that are worn in the boots armour slot. It provides 5 armour points and is crafted using four rubedite ingots.
Rubedite leggings are a late game armour piece that are worn in the leggings armour slot. It provides 9 armour points and is crafted using seven rubedite ingots.
The rubedite chestplate is a late game armour piece worn in the chestplate armour slot. It provides 5 armour points and is crafted from eight rubedite ingots.
The rubedite helmet is a late game armour piece worn in the helmet armour slot. It provides 8 armour points and is crafted using 5 rubedite ingots.

The rubedite ingot is an item used to craft powerful rubedite weapons, armour, and tools. It is obtained by smelting rubedite ore in a furnace or blast furnace.
Rubedite ore is a naturally generating reddish ore found between Y = -60 and Y = 0. Mining the ore is possible with any pic

The dwavern pickaxe is the most powerful pickaxe in the game with a mining speed of 20. It is obtained either through crafting with two sticks and three dwavern ingots, or through trading with a dwarf trader at a cost of 7 diamonds and 16 iron ingots.
The dwavern axe is the most powerful axe in the game with a mining speed of 20. It is obtained either through crafting with two sticks and three dwavern ingots, or through trading with a dwarf trader at a cost of 7 diamonds and 16 iron ingots.
The dwavern battleaxe is the most powerful battleaxe in the game with an attack damage of 12. It is obtained either through crafting with two sticks and five dwavern ingots, or through trading with a dwarf trader at a cost of 7 diamonds and 16 iron ingots.
The dwavern hammer is an item used for crating dwavern ingots, as well as a powerful weapon. As a weapon it does 11 attack damage. It can be obtained through crafting using two sticks and seven dwavern ingots, or trading with a dwarf trader at a cost of 3 netherite ingots and 3 diamonds. When crafting a large amount of dwavern gear, it is cheaper to buy the hammer first and make dwavern ingots yourself rather buy it directly from the dwarf trader.
The dwavern shovel is the most powerful shovel in the game with a mining speed of 20. It is obtained either through crafting with two sticks and one dwavern ingot, or through trading with a dwarf trader at a cost of 7 diamonds and 16 iron ingots.
The dwavern sword is the most powerful sword in the game with an attack damage of 10. It is obtained either through crafting with one stick and two dwavern ingots, or through trading with a dwarf trader at a cost of 7 diamonds and 16 iron ingots.

Dwavern boots are the most protective armour piece worn in the boots armour slot. They provide _____ armour points, and obtained either through crafting using four dwavern ingots, or trading with a dwarf trader at a cost of 7 diamonds and 16 iron ingots.
Dwavern leggings are the most protective armour piece worn in the leggings armour slot. They provide _____ armour points, and obtained either through crafting using seven dwavern ingots, or trading with a dwarf trader at a cost of 7 diamonds and 16 iron ingots.
The dwavern chestplate is the most protective armour piece worn in the chestplate armour slot. It provides _____ armour points, and obtained either through crafting using eight dwavern ingots, or trading with a dwarf trader at a cost of 7 diamonds and 16 iron ingots.
The dwavern helmet is the most protective armour piece worn in the helmet armour slot. It provides _____ armour points, and obtained either through crafting using five dwavern ingots, or trading with a dwarf trader at a cost of 7 diamonds and 16 iron ingots.
(Dwarven armour is still being worked on but should be ready for the next beta release!!!!!)
The dwavern ingot is an item used to craft dwavern gear, the most powerful gear in the game. It is made through crafting a diamond, gold ingot, and iron ingot together, in conjuction with a dwavern hammer (the hammer does not get consumed).

Gray logs are a wood type primarily used in building, or breaking down into gray planks. They have the same charatarisitcs as other overworld wood types. As of mod version 0.0.4, they can only be obtained through the creative menu.
Gray planks are a wood type primarily used in building, or crafting into other items that require wood planks. They have the same charatarisitcs as other overworld wood types. As of mod version 0.0.4, they can only be obtained through the creative menu.

Pink logs are a wood type primarily used in building, or breaking down into pink planks. They have the same charatarisitcs as other overworld wood types. As of mod version 0.0.4, they can only be obtained through the creative menu.
Pink planks are a wood type primarily used in building, or crafting into other items that require wood planks. They have the same charatarisitcs as other overworld wood types). As of mod version 0.0.4, they can only be obtained through the creative menu.

Rainbow logs are a wood type primarily used in building, or breaking down into rainbow planks. They have the same charatarisitcs as other overworld wood types. As of mod version0.0.4, they can only be obtained through the creative menu.
Rainbow planks are a wood type primarily used in building, or crafting into other items that require wood planks. They have the same charatarisitcs as other overworld wood types. As of mod version 0.0.4 they can only be obtained through the creative menu.

The deepslate door is a door variant with a deepslate texture. It can be opened by hand, and requires six deepslate blocks to craft.

Here you can see that each item is viewable in the crafting menu in survival and has each recipe prepared for you, so you do not need to manually put in each item in.
To acquire any of the items in the add-on, simply type in chat while cheats are eanbled "/ give @s mc:" and then each item in the mod will appear for you to acquire.
I hope you enjoy this small update while I prepare for a stable version of the mod which will be coming in the near future, I hope you all have fun and enjoy the new tools/armor/dungeons/mobs!
This Addon uses Feature Rule Generator (FRG) to export and load the dungeons, I highly recommend going and supporting Machine Builder for creating such a great tool! (Youtube) (FRG)
Updated Mod link from my website to straight to mediafire.
Follow the link, go to mediafire and download the .mcaddon. Proceed then to double click said addon and it will automatically import into Minecraft for you to play! c:c