MCPE/Bedrock Working TV Addon

Have you ever wanted to have working TV in Minecraft? But it is not as entity its a block. This TV has higher frames to play GIF smoothly on TV and it has higher resolution. The TV has different channels allows you to switch between different channels by clicking on TV
This TV is big and not just as one block size, the design is like our modern TV nowadays. Feel its modern design in your minecraft world and use it to design in your modern builds. Craft TV Stand also for more aesthetic design.
Currently the TV have 17 channels, by default when TV is place it is in OFF state to turn it ON click on the TV, click again to switch between different channels. To switch it OFF sneak then click
Here's one channel of this TV, download it now to see all channels.

This TV can able to obtain in survival via crafting table, you can craft it like shown below.

If we have TV we also need TV Stand for our TV. You can craft them with 6 quartz slab and 2 iron ingot like shown below.

There are two types of TV, the Standing TV and Wall TV by default the TV is standing type, sneak then place to turn it into wall type.

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- Do not reupload this addon in other site or app, don't ask for permission I will not allow you either.
- If you're going to showcase this addon put credit and use this LINK for download link.
- Do not edit my addon and claim it as yours, you can edit it for personal use only. Do not also merge this addon to another, asking permission will not allow you either.
- Please follow these rules, otherwise the addon will no longer receive updates and I will do my best to report you if none of the above are followed. Please do not force me to upload every addon I made in Minecraft Marketplace, I wanted everyone to get it for free.
- Added 2 more channels (17 now in total)
- Added Wall TV type
- Smoother animation of Zero-Two dance channel
- You can now see TV and TV Stand in creative inventory and in survival you can see their recipe in recipe book
Required to enable the following Experiments in world settings
- Holiday Creator Features
- Additional Modding Capabilities

The other Experiments Settings are optional