MCPE/Bedrock Customizable Weaponry

Have you ever felt that Minecraft's default weapon textures get a bit bland after a while? Have you ever wanted to roleplay as an assassin, or take on your friends with a dueling sword? If so, then this addon is for you!
Welcome to Customizable Weaponry! If you want to change your weapons' appearances, then you're in luck! This addon will allow you to change your swords to one of six appearances, and only requires a stonecutter. Take your sword (in any material) and place it into the stonecutter. Select your appearance and take out the new sword. The changes are purely cosmetic and will not affect gameplay.

Depicted below are the Dueling Swords, Daggers, and Gladiuses, in that order.

Be sure to leave ideas for more appearances in the comments!
creator: GameWizard
Fixed the featured image. No actual changes were made to the addon.
If using this addon in a modpack or video, be sure to credit me and leave a link back to this addon page.