MCPE/Bedrock New Bows Addon V1.8

New Bows Addon V1.8
This addon deals with new bows using all available codes, replicate the functionality of the vanilla bow, they are a total of 9 new bows with different abilities, very useful for survival.
As I said before, the addon has a total of 9 new bows with different useful abilities for your survival world.
It is very important to clarify that for the bows to work they must have the arrows either in the inventory or in the second hand, if they do not have it at least in the inventory the bows will not work
it is completely mandatory that you activate all these experimental game options, especially the Gametest Framework


To obtain the arcs by commands you must put the following command / give @s new:

New Bows
-Blaze Bow

This bow at the moment of launching the arrow and impacting with the ground or with your objective will generate a 3x3 of fire that will burn your enemy
-Ender Bow

This bow when launching the arrow and hitting the ground, will automatically teleport its user to the place where the arrow has fallen
-Explosive Bow

This bow at the moment of launching the arrow and impacting with the ground or with your objective will generate an explosion that will seriously damage nearby entities
-Glowstone Bow

This bow at the moment of launching the arrow and impacting with the ground or with your objective will generate light in the place where the arrow has fallen, also when having the bow in hand it will emit a slight but very low amount of light
-Ice Bow

This bow at the moment of launching the arrow and impacting with the ground or with your objective will generate an ice cube that will trap your enemies inside the ice cube
-Health Bow

This bow when launching the arrow and impacting on the ground will generate an area where it will be constantly giving you regeneration, it is more advisable to use it with your animals or yourself
-Miner Bow

This bow when launching the arrow and hitting the ground will break all the blocks in a radius of 3x3, this list of blocks includes all the minecraft blocks including the bedrock and also those of other addons
-Thunder Bow

When launching the arrow and hitting the ground or your target, this bow will generate a powerful beam that can kill nearby entities or kill them
-Knockaback Bow
This bow when launching the arrow and impacting on the ground or on your target will generate an attack in the area that will push all nearby entities seriously damaging them or in some cases killing them
To obtain both the lightning bow and the knockback bow, it is necessary to search for a villager of the arrow class, he will offer you the bows and they can only be bought once per villager, that is, once you buy them you will have to look for another villager flechero to buy these bows again

Video de Explicacion
Warning, if you are going to use this plugin to make reviews it is completely mandatory that you put the links in this plugin or in any case this link
1- Fixed textures error on arches
2- Fixed bug in crafting
3- Solution in the operation of the arches
4- Fixed error when trading
Download Guide
Go to the links, then down and click on "Free Access With ads", then click on "Discover interesting Articles from the web" and click on X, wait for the time it says and press X again, then press to "continue" and voila, this is the same for all the links in this plugin