MCPE/Bedrock NFPE Shaders

NFPE Shaders
This shaders coded by GitHub
These shaders are shaders that support texture pbr, What is texture pbr ?, "Physically Based Rendering", in short pbr is a texture devoted to enjoying great graphics, and beautiful colors.
This shader is not compatible with currently existing custom texture packs or addons adding new block textures!.
Shaders is still in the testing phase, if you can find a bug, please help to report it in the github osbes page GitHub!..
A tweaked version of the Vanilla Normals Renewed texturepack by Poudingue is being used for preview versions.
It doesn't support Minecraft Windows 10!.
Features of this shaders:
• Better Sunset
• Better Sun and, Moon
• Better Icon Armor and, Weapons
• Better Armor and, Weapons
• Better Animal Pig
• Better Font Text in Minecraft
• Advanced Lighting
• PBR Texture Support
• Reflections on Water & Metals
• Weather Effect
• Wind Effect
• Better Clouds
• Better Quality to Lag Ratio
NFPE Screenshot:
Better Sunset and Night:

Realistic Reflection:

Reflection When It Rains:

Better Reflection Water:

Reflections on Ore and various kinds of blocks:

Better Armor:

Better Pig:

Armor HUD:

NFPE Bug Screenshot:
Worlds looks like it is broken on several devices:

But when logging in, the server looks normal:
(Server: The Hive)

Screenshot by: -Fin (Bug Hunter)
Spec Device: 4/64 Snapdragon 660 OS Pie 9.0
Release Version 2.0v!!..
• Add Photos on NFPE Screenshot (in post)
• Added Warning (in post)
• Changed Photo Permission (in post)
• Added Armor HUD Features (in shaders)
A: Does this shaders/download link have a virus?..
B: Nope, Even if there is a virus the first to be affected is us, because we have checked the download link & components in these shaders, and indeed there is no virus!!..
Recommend Requirement:
• Ram: 3-16GB
• Rom: 32-256GB
• Chipset: Snapdragon 660-880+
Installation Instructions:
• Download .zip file,
Extract and then move to the folder: games/com.mojang/recource_pack, then paste it there
Open it with minecraft Select this shader pack in settings.
• Download .mcpack file,
Look for the file then rename to NFPE.mcpack and open the file using Minecraft, if possible don't use a file management application like Zarchiver, but if you can use the default application on your cellphone.
• If you want to install updates from shaders nfpe, please delete the previous version of the shaders NFPE folder first!!..
NFPE folder location: games/com.mojang/recource_pack
• If you want to review this shaders pack, immediately include a link to the post
• If you want to include a texture or whatever in your texture, and you want to publish it, please allow permission from the creator below!!..
Credits & Permission:
I have asked permission from the creator!..

Texture Credits:
OSBES(By Jebbyk)
M Better Vanilla(By Maat)
Muddy Pig(By MineDrum)
Better Armors(By ShadowsCrow)
Utility HUD (By ambient)
"Minecraft Version: 1.16.100-1.16.220"