MCPE/Bedrock Official 6th Century Mod

6th Century Series is 2994 Years in the Future. Anthony, a Cameraman, was unexpectedly teleported 7645 Years Ago to the 6th Century in which he has must Fix the “CATASTROPHE”. It is unknown what could be the “CATASTROPHE”, but will he find a way to stop it? Cause 3 Different Realities of the Whole MEGAVerse might merge into one. The RealityRealm, the FantasyRealm, and The AfterRealm.
Beta Version: v1.5.0
Current Blocks: 83+
Current Items: 760+
Available for Version 1.17.40 to 1.18
Version 1.18 won't get the Custom Biomes but the rest of the Mod still works!
Please Read before the Bottom Please Read:
If you don't know Research, History, and all that Stuff then don't assume I either got the Names Wrong or just because they came from One Country doesn't mean they have to Act or Be like that Country, Individuals are Individuals and Unique in their Own Way. For Example the Original Word for Succubus and Phoenix is Succubare and Fenix.
So Shut your Orifices Uneducated Peasants.
Thank You.
Please Read:
If you want to showcase my stuff then Credit Me Kyuu Anticipation Desperation. Also since this is the 6th Century, #6thCentury in that post or video.

Grizzly Bear

Found in Forests, currently doesn't spawn Naturally and doesn't drop meat yet.
HP: 100
Attacks other Adult Grizzlies.

Original Word: Doudo or Doido, thanks to the Portuguêzscha(Portuguese)!
Flightless bird that was Endemic to the Island of Mauritius. Closest Family is the Nicobar Pigeon.
Lays 1 Egg in its Lifetime and doesn't taste Delicious.
Likes Berries, Fruits, and Seeds.

Original Word: Parrot-Lizard.
An Early Cretaceous Herbivore found in Asia. The One along with the Protoceratops, Created the Mythological Hippogriffs and Griffins.
Slow on Land but Swims fast in Water, and also Cute!
Health: 10(Wild) and 20(Tamed)
Can Raid your Gardens in a 30 Metre Radius.
Interactable and Pick-up Items:
Wheat, Potato, Carrots, Beetroots, Pumpkins, Ferns, Apple, Melon Slices, Sweet Berries, Glow Berries, Hydrangea Flowers, and Forget Me Not Flowers.
Small Simple Illustration of Dodo and Psittacosaurus:


Original Words: First Horned Face.
Sheep Sized but Fights back. Smaller creature lacked horns that Also had Basal traits not seen in later Genera.
Like the Psittacosaurus, it spawned the Griffins and Hippogriffs.
Can Be Found in Mythological Oaklands.
Has a Rare Variation I nicknamed as White Periwinkle.
Can Fight Back and Beat You Up. Never Gonna Give You Up.
Cannot be Tamed but Can Be Used as a Food Source like Sheep.

Original Words: Velox-Raptor meaning Swift Thief.
Fast and the Size of a Turkey, these Dromaeosaurid can Pounce you and your Livestock.
Fought a Protoceratops and Died in a Stance. Their Action is still Preserved today!
Found in Deserts and Mythological Oaklands.
Pounces it's Prey, can Target Humans.
Small Simple Illustration of Velociraptor and Protoceratops:

Health: 20
Attack: 4 - 7
Can be Burned in Lava to Create a Phoenix.
Baculites and Ammonites

A Type of Ancient Armoured Cephalopod.
Can be Found in Deep Watery Caves.
Can be Eaten.

Original Words: Dunkle-Osteus (Dunkle is a name while Osteus means Bone).
An Armoured Fish with Jaws that has Scissor like Bony Plates.
Can Bite So Fast it can make a suction underwater. I remember it is as Fast as Biting by 0.060-0.080 Seconds.
Can be Found in Big Deep Watery Caves.
Can Hunt Humans if no other Fish around if Hungry, likes Ammonites and Baculites.
Can Sneak and Ambush it's Prey in Murky Waters.
Good Luck Swimming Boys.
Small Simple Illustration of Dunkleosteus, Baculite, and Ammonite:
Not Available yet.

Wields an Axe made of the Scales of Dracan Children and Babies.
Health: 50
Can be Stunned, but Roars too.
Can Open Doors.

Minotaur Leaders

Wields an Metallic Mallet that they use to Smash? Enemies into Piles of Flesh.
Health: 300
Attack: 30
Can be Found living on Wooden Castles inside the Mythological Forests. Good Luck.
Can Cause a Radius Attack that Kills you Fast.
Hippogriffs and Hippogryphs

Found on Mythological Forests, Oaklands, and Plains.
Health: 20 - 40
Can Be Tamed by Riding.
Requires Hippogriff Saddle to Ride them.
Most Common is German, Rarer is American and Russian. Rarest is Japanese.

Can Heal you with it's Tears almost Instantly.
Burns stuff around it, can be Prevented with Phoenix Thermoregulation.
Freezes in Water, can be Prevented with Phoenix Thermoregulation.
Tameable by:
Sea Serpent


Found above in some Fig Trees. Drinks the Blood of Humans using its Toes and Fingers.
Can only be Active in Day.
Nine Tailed Foxes

Can be Found in Fox Forests.
Yako Clan Wears Black and has Bloody Hands, yet they Hid it inside Armour.
Zenko can be Found as just a Fox Form instead of a Human Form.
Can Be Tameable with Sweet Berries or Glow Berries.
You'll have to wait maybe 100 Days or 1000 Days to turn your Fox into a True Nine Tailed Fox and a Tenko.
Dracans and Soul Dracans

Original Words: Dracan(Drakōn) The first Word for the Mythological Dragons.
Health: 200 (50% Armour for Dracan and 75% Armour for Soul Dracan)
Fire Dragon

Health: 200 (90% Armour)
Oak Dragon

Health: 100 (25% Armour)
Roman Soldiers

Strong Men with Strong Weapons and Armour.
Item List from 1.4.2 &
- Enderia Jem
- Enderina Jem
- Endersomnia Jem
- Endertheria Jem
- Enderthunderia Jem
- Nine Tailed Fox Boots
- Nine Tailed Fox Breastplate
- Nine Tailed Fox Helmet
- Nine Tailed Fox Skirt
- Ballista Bolt
- Ballista Turret
- 80mm GrW.34
- Mortar Grenade 34
- Tellermine 35
- Bronze Ingot
- Dark Grey Dracan Scale Boots
- Dark Grey Dracan Scale Chestplate
- Dark Grey Dracan Scale Helmet
- Dark Grey Dracan Scale Leggings
- Dark Grey Dracan Scales
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Axe
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Boots
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Chestplate
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Helmet
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Hoe
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Leggings
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Pickaxe
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Shovel
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Long Sword
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Ingot
- Dark Grey Dracan Steel Rod
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Ingot
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Rod
- Dracan Scale Boots
- Dracan Scale Chestplate
- Dracan Scale Helmet
- Dracan Scale Leggings
- Dracan Scales
- Silver Dracan Steel Ingot
- Silver Dracan Steel Rod
- Dracan Steel Axe
- Dracan Steel Boots
- Dracan Steel Chestplate
- Dracan Steel Helmet
- Dracan Steel Hoe
- Dracan Steel Ingot
- Dracan Steel Leggings
- Dracan Steel Pickaxe
- Dracan Steel Rod
- Dracan Steel Shovel
- Dracan Steel Great Sword
- White Dracan Steel Ingot
- White Dracan Steel Rod
- Light Grey Dracan Scale Boots
- Light Grey Dracan Scale Chestplate
- Light Grey Dracan Scale Helmet
- Light Grey Dracan Scale Leggings
- Light Grey Dracan Scales
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Axe
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Boots
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Chestplate
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Helmet
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Hoe
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Leggings
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Pickaxe
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Shovel
- Light Grey Dracan Steel Rapier
- Silver Dracan Scale Boots
- Silver Dracan Scale Chestplate
- Silver Dracan Scale Helmet
- Silver Dracan Scale Leggings
- Silver Dracan Scales
- Silver Dracan Steel Axe
- Silver Dracan Steel Boots
- Silver Dracan Steel Chestplate
- Silver Dracan Steel Helmet
- Silver Dracan Steel Hoe
- Silver Dracan Steel Leggings
- Silver Dracan Steel Pickaxe
- Silver Dracan Steel Shovel
- Silver Dracan Steel Hunting Sword
- Soul Dracan Scale Boots
- Soul Dracan Scale Chestplate
- Soul Dracan Scale Helmet
- Soul Dracan Scale Leggings
- Soul Dracan Scales
- Soul Dracan Steel Axe
- Soul Dracan Steel Boots
- Soul Dracan Steel Chestplate
- Soul Dracan Steel Helmet
- Soul Dracan Steel Hoe
- Soul Dracan Steel Ingot
- Soul Dracan Steel Leggings
- Soul Dracan Steel Pickaxe
- Soul Dracan Steel Rod
- Soul Dracan Steel Shovel
- Soul Dracan Steel Great Sword
- Soul
Samurai Armour

If your Japanese or Likes anime. You'd Know Samurai Armour or Katanas are not Easy to make and takes Months or Years.
Minimal Stations you need: Crafting Table, Forge Furnace, Metalworking Table, Blast Furnace, Campfire.
You need a Lot of Iron and Resources.
Iron Pugio

A Small Knife like Sword Weapon for Close Combat.
Iron Pilum

Iron Pilum is a One Used Spear.
Iron Spatha

Longer than the Gladius, more Power and is your Main Sword.
Ballista Bolt

Ballista Bolts can be Crafted with 2 Fig Trunks and 1 Steel Ingot. Can Be Crafted in the Crafting Table but will be Transferred to the Woodworking Table and Advanced Technology.
Ballista Turret

A Placeable Weapon, if faces you when Placing but I hope to find a Way to fix it.
Sneak to Pick It Up, You can Change Degrees from 0° to 45° Upward.
Uses Ballista Bolts as Ammunition.
Can be Crafted currently in Crafting Table But will change the same to the Bolts Reason.
2 Fig Trunks, 3 Fig Planks, 2 Wool (Wool is used to make String too, not Minecraftia Fact.), And 2 Steel Blocks.
800mm Granatwerfer 34

A Great War II Weapon used by Imperial Germans from the Start of the War since 2039. Only Available as Trades or Craftable with Advance Technology.
Changeable Degrees 45° to 75°(90° is max but I don't think Suicide is a good Option)
Mortar Grenade 34

Stackable only by 1
Used as Ammunition for 80cm GrW.34
Main Kind of Ammunition for 80cm GrW.34. Only Available as Trades or Craftable with Advance Technology.
Roman Armour:

Can only be obtained from Killing Roman Soldiers or Trading with the General.
As Strong as Soul Dracan Scales or Steel Armour!
Wearing 1 Piece of the Roman Armour can change the look of your Shield to look Roman(Currently Only works on the Curiass).

Mauser HSC
Image not available.
Shooting Damage: 10
Melee Damage: 3
8-rounds Box Magazine using Browning Ammunition.
Reloading requires the gun to be empty and in main hand while magazine in offhand, you can transfer the magazine from main hand to offhand. This Works with All Guns.
MG 34

Used by Imperial Germans in the Middle of Great War II June 2041. Last Usage at Operation Frederick cause Henry's platoon Disappeared and Appeared back in the Battlefield after 1 Year. It's unknown of the Information.
Melee Damage: 4
Shooting Damage: 5 Bullets in 1 Shooting meaning 5 Bullets in 0.4 Seconds with Damage of 15 and max Ammunition is 75 Rounds Drum Magazine with 375 Ammunition.
Uses 75 Rounds Drum Magazine Modified Version.

MG 34 managed to Break Nine Tailed Fox Helmet! You can see her Face now. No Doubt the MG 42 can do the Same.
Winchester Model 1895

Used by the Amerinands in Great War II June 22, 2041
Shooting Damage: 80 in every 1.5 Seconds
Melee Damage: 7
Max Ammunition is 5 Rounds Internal Magazine.
MG 42

Used by Imperial Germans in the Middle of Great War II June 2041. Unlike the MG 34, it's still used after Operation Frederick. Despite the Weapon's Information has been Given to the Romans.
Melee Damage: 4
Shooting Damage: 5 Bullets in 1 Shooting meaning 5 Bullets in 0.4 Seconds with Damage of 20 and max Ammunition is 75 Rounds Drum Magazine with 375 Ammunition.
Uses 75 Rounds Drum Magazine.

Modified MG42

Used by Imperial Germans in the Middle to the End of Great War II June 2041. Unlike the MG 42, this Modified Version is fed by Belt Ammunition up to 900 Rounds. It Shoots WAY FASTER.
Melee Damage: 4
Shooting Damage: 12 Bullets in 1 Shooting meaning 12 Bullets in 0.44 Seconds with Damage of 25 and max Ammunition is 900 Rounds Belt Fed.
Can Shoot 24-25 Rounds per Second.
Uses 900 Rounds Belt Ammunition MG42.
Browning M1919 A6

With the Help of Germany's Economy, the Government decided to help America build Guns, one of those was the Browning M1919 A6. It uses Mauser Bullets, same ones used on MG 42 & 34.
But the Allies was Concerned of the Romans Entering War and America might be the Reason why, a Decision in 500-600 will affect 2039-2045.
Melee Damage: 6
Shooting Damage: 5 Bullets in 1 Shooting meaning 5 Bullets in 0.5 Seconds with Damage of 35 and max Ammunition is 250 Rounds Belt Ammunition Magazine.

Submachine Gun Designed by Germans and Manufactured in America in the Second Great War from 2039 - Present Day.
Horrifyingly Accurate but not on Far Ranges.
Melee Damage: 2
Shooting Damage: 2 Bullets in 1 Shooting meaning 2 Bullets in 0.25 Seconds with Damage of 11 and max Ammunition is 32 Rounds Box Magazine Using Perebellum 9×19mm.
Information for Modified MG42 & Browning M1919 A6:
Blocks Added after 1.4.2:
Sand Bags.
Image Not Available.
Crafted using Sand & Wool in Crafting Table.
Advanced Forge Furnace

AFF Throat: top block.

Emits Smoke when the Furnace is built Correctly.
AFF Stack: middle block.

The Main place where it's used for.
AFF Hearth: bottom block.

In time slag builds up inside.
All Blocks require Eachother to Work, can be Crafted with Hardened Steel, Welded Steel, and Forge Furnaces.
Barbed Wire

Can Be Made by Slightly Heated Steel and Fig Branches.
Bullers might not go through if the barrier is 2 metres high, you can still shoot through Barbed Wire if it's not hitting the Slab like Hitbox.
Mythology Oaklands
Mythology Plains and Mythology Forests

No Man's Land
Further Details are only available on my YouTube Channel Kyuu Anticipation Desperation.
Nine Tailed Foxes.
You can Trade Various Items and Equipment from Nine Tailed Foxes, but sadly won't trade with you if Zenko Type is Trusted.
You Can Trade with the Yako Type (Foxes with Armour and will Kill Humans) but it is Recommended to Trap them First.
They cannot Replenish their Trades.
Gunsmith of the 7th World.
You Can Trade with the gunsmith various Weapons that are Godly for the Ancient World they have stepped upon.
You can Trade with them using Silver and Gold Coins for Guns and Ammunition.
You can also Trade with them using Cartridges, Empty Box Magazine, Empty Belt Ammunitions, and other stuff for Various Types of Metals.
Gunsmith, don't punch them cause they'll kill you instantly because of their short Tempered Problems.
Laura Euphoria Depression (The Goddess and The Storm)

Health: 972 Million and Rising.
Attack Types: Breath 2x Hotter than a Neutron Star.
The Goddess and The Storm. How can you defeat something Harder than Nuclear Pasta.
More Information of Laura in:
ELH81 (Enderias Light Heart of Laura)

Given to Laura from an unknown Past, A Weapon that's a Sniper, but is it?
Kills Anything in Theory.
Sniping animation is currently Broken.
Bonus Features:
A Race even Sceptres Find Hard To Explain, An Evil Race in all the Universe from the Multiverse of Doctor Who:

Players when Killed while Using Guns will no longer keep Firing Endless Bullets until Respawn.
Players will still shoot once when Respawn but that's better than Killing when your Dead.
Added Browning M1919 A6. (Heavy Machine Gun)
Added Modified MG42 and has Forest Camoflauge Variant. (Heavy Machine Gun)
Added MP40 (Submachine Gun)
Added new Magazines, Ammunitions, and Cartridges.
Added more Trades from Gunsmith of the 7th World.
Installation: You must Put the Mod in the Development Folders, and Turn On These Experimentals:
Turn On All Except Enable GameTest Framework.
Experimentals like Caves & Cliffs or Wild Update are Dependent to you.
Must you delete the older version if for the mod to work.
If you use External then put it in Development Folders. If your on Android 11+ and you can't access the new Storage then Good Luck!
