MCPE/Bedrock Korean Alphabet Blocks for Education

Have you learned Korean? So, learning Hangul, the Korean alphabet, is essential, right? By the way, are you tired of learning Hangul? So, how about learning it in Minecraft? It's right here!
[ How to use… ]

[ Features ]
• Summon Hangul consonant vowels as blocks.
• When a block is placed, touched, or destroyed (survival mode only), a sound for each consonant is heard.
[ Credit – Our Minecraft Space (OMS) ]
– iMasterProX ( Resource Pack )
– Moonlight Spirit Luna ( Behavior Pack, Resource Pack ) *Outsourcing
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For more content inquiries and business partnerships with the OMS team, please contact [email protected]! (Only English and Korean are supported.)

You have to turn on experimental mode and education edition.
But If you are iOS/iPadOS of iOS 13 or higher, Watch this guide video.