MCPE/Bedrock Ore Tree Revolution

This amazing addon adds lots of ore trees, you can finally have your wealth plantation, create trees from stone to diamond and netherite, have fun with deepslate variations, admire the beauty of amethyst and calcite trees, don't also forget to plant Blackstone and Gilded Blackstone trees, enter this wonderful addon with trees of wealth.

Hello my compatriots, today I will release the final version of Ore tree revolution, then you will find not only the crafting of trees, but also their information on drops, generation and others, but before starting this journey I have some primary information about the addon
- This might not be the final version, because if I have a new tree idea worth doing I'll probably add.
- If a crash is reported I will likely try to fix it.
- There is a flaw that I can't fix that when you make a change your item is invisible, but it works the same way.
Now that I've given some simple warnings I'll start talking about the 2 tree categories, and the 5 sub categories.
Category 1: overworld

All trees that depend directly on overworld materials are classified as in this category, there are 3 sub-categories within that, being those of stone, deepslate and calcite.
within this category there are stone, coal, copper, iron, gold, lapis lazuli, redstone, emerald and diamond trees; all have common stone as their base material.
All deepslate ore trees are classified here, briefly the only difference for stone is texture, drops are identical.
In this subclass there are only two trees, calcite and amethyst, they are very simple.
Category 2: Nether

In this category there are 2 subcategories, in this category trees and seedlings are based on nether fungi, so their generation and style are with nether fungi.
In this subclass we have the tree of netherrack, quartz, nether gold and netherite, their seedlings are based on carmine fungi.
In this subclass there are only 2 trees, Blackstone and gilded Blackstone, it doesn't have much change in texture besides the seedlings that are based on the distorted fungus.
Now that we've seen the categories let's look at the trees one by one.
New ores nuggets:

To optimize what the trees drop I have implemented custom nuggets, we have copper, emerald, diamond and netherite scrap nuggets/shards, just think of them as nuggets, add nine, turn one whole, take one whole and turn nine, I don't think I need to put crafting here.
Overworld stone:

Stone tree:

A simple tree, its crafting is an oak sapling circled with stone (not to be confused with cobblestone), the sapling should generate the shape of a standard tree, but with stone leaves and stone wood, each stone wood can give 1 to 4 stones (not to be confused with cobblestone), and each leaf can drop a seedling or cobblestone (now yes).
Coal tree:

After reading the contents of the stone tree I think you already know more or less how all the others are, so the content will be simplified, however the charcoal tree of a standard generation, its crafting is nothing more than the stone tree circled with charcoal, your wood can drop from one to three mineral coals, your children can seedling or a charcoal.
Copper tree:

The copper tree follows the standard pattern, circling a charcoal seedling with raw copper you will get a copper tree seedling its wood drops some copper and its leaves may drop copper tree seedlings or copper nuggets.
Iron tree:

Following the standard model this tree can be made by circling a charcoal seedling with raw iron, I think it goes without saying that its wood makes raw iron and its leaves drop either iron nuggets or its own seedlings.
Gold tree:

The gold tree is made by circling an iron seedling with raw gold, following the same concept its wood drops a good amount of raw gold and its leaves may drop gold nuggets or seedlings, it's good to have plenty of these in stock , as this seedling is used for the next 3 trees to follow.
Redstone tree:

From 8 redstones and a gold seedling you can have your red powder tree, your wood follows the same concepts, the wood gives a reasonable amount of redstone and your leaves can drop either redstone or your own seedling (it's already getting a little repetitive)
Lapis lazuli tree:

From 8 lapis lazuli and a gold seedling you can have your enchanted stone tree, your wood follows the same concepts, the wood gives a fair amount of lapis lazuli and its leaves can drop either the stone itself or its own seedling (I literally just copied and pasted from the redstone tree).
Emerald tree:

By copying and pasting the above text, the emerald tree is made by circling a gold seedling with emerald, its wood drops only one emerald and its leaves can drop either a emerald shard or its own seedling.
Diamond tree:

I know you were looking forward to this tree, by joining 8 diamonds with your emerald seedling you get a diamond seedling, its legendary woods leave a diamond as booty, its leaves on the other hand just drop or its seedlings or diamond shards.
Overworld deepslate:

I really don't want to have to write it all over again, as deepslate trees have identical manufacturing and generation, you only need to add the own seedlings only in the deepslate version (in fact the deepslate tree is made by circling an oak seedling with deepslate [not cobbled deepslate] ), so to keep it simple I'll just leave the crafting on the screen, another important thing is the fact that what they drop is the same as their stone version.
Calcite trees:

The calcite trees are just two trees, the calcite one and its evolution the amethyst one, then you can see the crafting of both.
Calcite tree:

ps: I haven't reviewed everything yet, you might have to put the oak seedling instead of the stone one.
Amethyst tree:

Nether trees:

The nether trees are based on ourselves nether fungi, their generation is similar to such. then see the information.
Netherrack tree:

Circling a crimson fungus with netherrack you yesterday the seedling of that tree (or fungus if you think better) each wood will drop from one to four netherracks, its leaves will give either netherrack or its seedlings.
Nether gold tree:

Circling a seedling of netherrack with raw gold you have the seedling of that tree (or fungus if you think it's better) each wood will drop from 9 to 18 nuggets of gold, its leaves will give either nuggets or its seedlings.
Quartz tree:

Take a netherrack seedling and circle it with 8 quartz, so you get the tree your wood gives you quartz and its leaves your seedlings.
Netherite tree:

write down the recipe, mix a quartz tree with netherite scrap, remember that for one part of the quartz seedling add around eight scrap, mix it on a standard crafting table and plate on the netherrack, soon log you will see your tree of wealth.
Blackstone trees:

Similar to calcite trees, you are just two trees, Blackstone and gilded Blackstone, you can create the Blackstone tree by circling a warped fungus with 8 Blackstones, the process for the golden one is very simple, circling the previous seedling with raw gold.
final messages:
Before the download link I wanted to say a few things:
- There is a little bug that makes the seedling item invisible, but it works the same way, it will soon be fixed.
- Another error is the generation of the gold tree, the top folder does not appear complete, but this bug is already being resolved.
- Any other bug you find, I ask you to comment here to let me know about it.
Terms of Use for Content Creators:
- Any content creator who wants to use it can use it as long as you leave the blog or mcpdel link in the description and cite the creators ("Matheus Viana" or just Matviaoli).
-The download link doesn't need to be in the video description if you were making a series with this addon, you just need to put it in the first video of the series or if you've already talked about it on your channel quote the video about the addon (I'm just very understandable if pipe you forget).
To install it is very simple, find the file you installed, if it has the extension .mcaddon and just run Minecraft will be opened and the addon will be installed, but if it has the extension .zip just rename it to one .mcaddon file and do the steps from the beginning.