MCPE/Bedrock Polar Anti-Cheat (Beta)

Polar Anticheat (Beta) An anti-cheat for Minecraft bedrock edition, with features like No-fly, No speed, AntiNBT, Nokillaura, and more! Check out the Wiki for more info and customization! It's super lightweight and runs well with up to 100 players (for 100+ players online at the same time, use an optimized version - ask me directly).
Detected Hack List:
- Checks if a player equips a totem while moving
- Checks if the player is flying or jumping without touching the ground first
- Teleports the player back down if flying
Illegal Items:
- Clears illegal items from everybody's inventories.
- Checks if the player is standing on water/lava blocks.
- Detects if the player is moving much faster than normal (speed 5+)
- Detects if the player is swimming faster than normal
- Periodically checks for killaura with invisible fake players
- Checks and removes enchanted armour if turned on.
- Checks and automatically changes non-staff to survival if in creative.
- Using a structure block, you can have a specific structure spawn when the player dies. First, the name to put in a structure block is gravestone, then build whatever you want in it (maybe a cool gravestone, or a spike) and whenever a player dies, the structure will spawn on their death spot. You can even get complicated with this, and summon an armour stand for some cool custom death effects (like lightning or a blood burst)! See more on github!
- This addon can detect many different player actions, including moving, gliding, left clicking, sprinting, sneaking, is on ground, levitating, deaths, kills, what armor they are wearing, if their armor is enchanted, and a few smaller ones. You can use all of these for your own systems, like a system to only let people wearing enchanted diamond armour ender an area.
- If you own a server with over 10,000 players, you can request a specific version from me on discord: Glitch#8024 - I'll usually be happy to help customize!
Exclusive Features
- Custom gravestones and kill markers are easily changed by staff (see customization)
- This is the only addon with global toggle settings (like if you turn a setting on, it will stay on even after you leave and new players join, updating automatically)!
Quick commands
(You don't need to use any of these for it to work though)

- /function automod/on - turns on automod. Automod is a system that automatically bans people after they exceed a certain number of violations, which differ for each module (fly ban 3+ violations, item ban 5+ violations, killaura ban 2+ violations, speed ban 6+ violations, NBT ban 2+ violations, totem ban 2+ violations).
- /function automod/off - turns off automod. Automod is a system that automatically bans people after they exceed a certain number of violations, which differ for each module (fly ban 3+ violations, item ban 5+ violations, killaura ban 2+ violations, speed ban 6+ violations, NBT ban 2+ violations, totem ban 2+ violations).
- /function polar/vanish - makes the user invisible or visible again. Does not matter if they are wearing armour or holding stuff, however, the particles for sprinting still show. It toggles on and off when you run the command.
- /function polar/flagreset - resets the user’s violations and flags.
- /function polar/freeze - freezes the user until unfrozen. They cannot ender pearl away, move, jump or leave the block you locked them on. They can still see other players near them, but they have blindness and weakness. Execute at the player to use.

- /function polar/unfreeze - unfreezes the user if frozen. Clears them of all effects, but if they were previously frozen in the air, they could still die of fall damage. Execute at the player to use.
- /function polar/ecwipe - clears the users e-chest. Execute at the player to use.
- /function polar/player_stats - shows users stats to nearest staff. Stats include violations, armour, enchants, kills, deaths, and time played on the world (after this anticheat was installed, at least).
- /function global_toggle/enchants_allowed - unenchants peoples armor if set to disallowed. Global setting, so it will be either on or off for every single player, and will affect players who have yet to join, or are offline currently. Defaults off.
- /function global_toggle/enchants_disallowed - unenchants peoples armor if set to disallowed. Global setting, so it will be either on or off for every single player, and will affect players who have yet to join, or are offline currently. Defaults off.
creator: GlitchyTurtle32