MCPE/Bedrock Presents! Addon

This add-on adds a Present block to the game. Destroy it to open the goodies inside, or surprise your friends!. With particles effects, sounds and nice-looking textures, this is the perfect addition for this holiday season.
It's that holiday season again! So, what better way to spend it than to gift your friend, with the Presents! Add-on.

"Hear hear, a stranger at my door! I wonder who could it be?"

Let's see what we get when we open some presents:

You can stack them up to four presents per block:

The blocks even glow in the dark:

To destroy-open the presents you need to be in survival mode.
(Furniture featured in the first screenshot is from the FurniDeco addon, by Arexon)
- Stackable (up to 4 presents / block)
- Glowing (the more, the glowier)
- All languages supported
- Multiplayer compatible
- Valuable drops
- Random colors and block orientations
- Particle effects
- Sound effects
Fixed download links and modified description, compatible with latest Minecraft version.
To install:
- Download both Resources and Behavior
- Wait 5 seconds, then click "Skip Ad" in the top right corner.
- Double click the ".mcpack" files, and the addon will automatically import into Minecraft.
- Make sure you have the "Holiday Creator Features" enabled from Experimental Gameplay, in the world settings.
creator: Vladu11