MCPE/Bedrock Saint Nicholas Holiday Add-on

Happy Holidays everyone! With the occasion of the coming of Saint Nicholas, which is said to brought money, gifts to the poor, who currently, on December 6, he brings gifts to all children, gifts that he puts in their clean boots, I set out to make an add-on for minecraft to celebrate this holiday. In this add-on I added Saint Nicholas witch have a function, his accessories and his house, which is very, very special, two new sweets and two retextures.
1. Retexture on cake: To sweet bread with cocoa and Turkish delight, is a traditional recopie for Romanian holidays.

2. Retexture on rain: To snow

3. Candy cane: Is a new food and if you eat you will get speed effect for 10 seconds. You can craft it, the image with crafting is below.

4. Gingerbread man: Is a new food and if you eat you will get speed effect for 10 seconds. You can craft it, the image with crafting is below.

5. Saint Nicholas: Is a new mob. He has sounds, own voice lines and his special function is when he walks or stays neer the boots, these turn in boots with gifts. Saint Nicholas spawns in snowy, frozen and ice biomes. If you kill him, he will drop the same items as boots with gifts, when you break them.

6. Saint Nicholas Hat: Is a new accessory. You can craft it, the image with crafting is below.

7. Saint Nicholas Staff: Is a new item accessory. It is only for third person. You can craft it, the image with crafting is below.

8. Boots: They are new decorative blocks. When Saint Nicholas walks or stays neer these, will turn in boots gifts. There are three differents colors types of boots: gray, black, brown. You can craft them, the images with craftings are below.

9. Boots gifts: They are new decorative blocks. Every colors types of boots gifts have differents types of gifts inside on texture. If you break the gifts you will receive different items at random: stick, bamboo, apple, sweet barries, cookie, candy cane, gingerbread man, cake, nautilus shell, heart of the sea, sponge, golden apple, bell, diamond armor pieses, turtle shell, diamond tools, totem of undying, all type of heads and skulls, all type of music discs and netherite ingot.

10. Saint Nicholas House: Is a new structure, which can be generated in snowy, frozen and ice biomes. The most special thing this house has is loots from the two chests from the house. The first chest loots: turtle shell, shulker box, heart of the sea, two netherite ingots and a trident. And the second chest loots: three golden apples, name tag, bell, totem of undying and the special one is camera (If you didn't know camera is a special and a secret item from Minecraft Bedrock Edition, which you can get only through some complicated procedures).

Known bugs: 1. The back boots gift have a small bug on the texture on one side. 2. Saint Nicholas Staff have a bad texture in first person. 3. Sometimes Saint Nicholas House is generated with buggy trapdoors. 4. When the boots turn in boots gifts, they will be facing to north, regardless of the initial position of the boots.
I hope you like what I created and I apologize for the bugs!
You can watch my video on youtube( the language is Romanian, I will soon add English subtitles), the link is below: