MCPE/Bedrock SERP Pokédrock 2 (Pokémon Addon) || Trapped & Pre-tamed Update

Welcome to the Second generation of SERP Pokédrock!
this addon works as a complement for the first generation! although it is also designed to work on its own!
It is forbidden to redistribute, edit the files or stole codes of this addon, if you will make a Review please give credits. Apps in the play store and other pages are illegal, please don't support them. are the only official sites.
this addon will follow Johto's pokédex
-Chikorita location: Birch forest
-Cyndaquil location: Desert
-Totodile location: River
-Sentret location: Everywhere

-Hoothoot location: Any kind of Forests
-Dunsparce location: Flower Forest
-Spinarak location: Any forest (at night)
-Dunsparce location: Forest Hills

to play properly follow these steps:
-use the "second generation" item to get Professor Elm's spawn egg
-put the Professor near you, preferably away from the spearow
-Read the introduction, it is quite useful!
-choose your favorite starter, along with the starter you will be given a starter kit that will be very useful for newbies!
-finish the introduction and start playing

supported languages:
It is forbidden to redistribute, edit the files or stole codes of this addon, if you will make a Review please give credits. Apps in the play store and other pages are illegal, please don't support them. are the only official sites.
all the entities and objects of this addon are inspired on the characters from the video game series: Pokémon
fixed a bug with the Cyndaquil evolutionary line,
fixed a bug with Professor Elm,
fixed a bug with 2nd generation combat events,
fixed a bug with machine icons,
added parity with the base and the first generation,
added compatibility with Minecraft 1.18,
optimization was improved
Preferably, cut and paste resources and behaviors from your file explorer. Make a Copy of your map and open the world options and start playing from there. the changes will be saved automatically. (If you don't follow these steps, you may lose your items!)