MCPE/Bedrock Service Robot

Hello again today i present a new addon with a new interesting pet a service robot than you can craft with different items this addon is idea by FlechaPh9 you can check out its youtube channel in the next link:
Images of the Robot

How to spawn? Crafting it
Health: 70
Damage: 6
Speed: 0.18
The robot attacks all hostile creatures from zombies, spiders or piglins defending a specific area with new animations if you want new utilities for the robot or new robots mention them in the comments
Crafting's to spawn the robot:

Basic and vital piece for all crafting you need 2 copper ingots, 1 iron ingot, 1 gold ingot and 1 redstone powder

Component to craft the robot head you need 8 glass panel and 1 obsidian

This item helps you to the final crafting you need 2 robot eyes, 1 component, 4 copper ingots and 2 iron ingots

The core is an important item for robot operation you need 1 diamond, 4 gold ingots and 4 obsidian

The robot body an other item to help you in the final crafting you need 1 core, 4 iron ingots and 4 copper ingots

Fundamental for the arm you need 2 copper ingots, 2 iron ingots and 2 components

This item helps you to the final crafting and you need 1 gripper and 2 iron ingots

To the foot you need 2 iron ingots, 2 copper ingots, 2 gold ingots and 1 component

This important piece to make robot movement you can craft it with 6 feet, 1 copper ingot and 2 components
Spawn robot

Finally crafting is the robot spawn you need 2 arms, 1 head, 1 body and 1 bottom
Remember if you want new utilities for the robot or new robots mention them in the comments
Detailed submission
New service robot
New peaces
New mob
1.- Go to the end of the submission and click in the mcaddon, archive
2.- Export mcaddon archive to minecraft
3.-Wait the exportation
4.-Active the resorce and behavior packs
5.-Active the experimental options
6.-Go to play the addon in your world