MCPE/Bedrock Snowball Trajectory

As the name suggests, this resource packs helps you visualize where a snowball will land before you or others throw it by showing its trajectory/flight path. Somewhat accurate. It's useful for aiming/dodging snowballs during PVP and the Hive or just practice, because, you know.... you suck.
The flight path of the snowball appears from yourself and others when you hold a snowball, but they can't see it unless they have also enabled the resource pack. You can use it anywhere, but it might not be allowed on some servers, so just don't tell anyone ?
There is support for first and third person perspective, not sure why you'd use it for third person though.
Disclaimer stuff
- accurate to 2°
- only works for throwing upwards, nothing appears when you look downwards because budget is too low
- the Hive has a different snowball trajectory than Minecraft's default (unknown reason) - very inaccurate for Snow Wars but fine for other gamemodes
- might lag on some devices
screenshots if my description wasn't good enough for you

cool video
- displays 25 points as particles
- updates every even degree from 0° to 90° (etc. 0°, 2°, 4°...)
- pain
- hold snowball to show
- first person and third person support (when you hold a snowball in third person, your character becomes see-through)

Possible Future Updates:
- downwards aiming
- more accuracy
- more projectiles support
Created by NNCOS and Qazius
if you have any questions or ideas to improve the pack, my discord: qaz#9716
In case you are crashing while trying to join a world, go to 'Storage' in settings to delete this pack. I'm sorry but your device does not support the resource pack.
⬇ common sense below ⬇
if you want to showcase/share/modify/use the resource pack, just credit
also don't steal yay
- reduced lag significantly, and fixed the crashing problem
- slider information