MCPE/Bedrock Space Craft Addon

This addon adds new structures, decoration blocks, entities, crafting blocks, and more. The goal of this addon is to make Minecraft have more stuff about space, such as working rockets, steel, more crafting tables, and more! You can travel to the moon using rockets. The moon also has infinite terrain, craters, and new ores! Enjoy the addon!
Minimum render distance required for the moon: 16 chunks
Some parts of the Moon are not generating infinitely due to a Minecraft bug.
Turn on all experimental gameplay options for the Addon to work
This Addon has not been tested on mobile, it might not work
Do NOT use this addon on worlds you like because this will destroy them!
You Have to Be in Minecraft ( or higher) For Most Of This Addon To Work!
I plan to update this addon so you might find bugs!
This addon does not have the player.json file so it should be compatible with some other addons.
This add-on adds a lot of blocks.
There are decoration blocks, ores blocks, crafting table blocks, and some blocks used in crafting.
Asteroid Rock Block
The asteroid rock block is mostly used for decoration and building asteroids.
One of the ways to get the asteroid rock is to find it in the crashed meteors.

Also, there are different kinds of crashed meteors. There are three versions.
1. Meteors with diamonds

2. Meteors With Gold

3. Normal Meteors

You can get most of these blocks in survival. Another way of getting them is by typing /give @p spacecraft:[name of the block you want].
The Mars Blocks
Mars Dust and Mars Rock Block. The Mars dust is like sand but for the planet Mars. The Mars Rock is like stone but also for the planet Mars.
The dust is the block on top and the rock is the block below it.

The Moon Blocks
The Moon Dust and Moon Rock Block. The Moon Dust block is like the mars dust but on the moon. The Moon Rock is like stone but on the moon.
The top block is the moon dust and the bottom block is the moon rock.

You can also use the Moon Stone to craft stone tools or you can craft Moon Stone Bricks. here is what the Moon Stone Brick looks like.

The rocket will allow you to travel to other moons and planets like mars. The rocket is one of the most important items in the addon. You can sit in the rocket, and after 3 seconds of spawning it, the rocket will launch. The rocket will only be placed on the launchpad blocks. To get out of the rocket, press shift. When the rocket reaches a height of 500 blocks, it will travel to the moon. Your render distance has to be higher than 16 chunks to travel to the moon.
He is what the rocket looks like!

Launch Pads
The rocket needs to stand on something called the Launch Pad. The launchpad is used for the rocket to be placed on and launched from. You don't have to build the launch pad, there is an item in the spawn egg section that automatically spawns the launchpad, or you can craft it in survival.
Here is what it looks like!

Custom Crafting Tables!
Custom crafting tables! This addon adds two new crafting tables. These crafting tables can craft rocket parts, steel, rockets, and more. The two new crafting tables are the Advanced anvil and the Rocket crafting table.
Rocket crafting table
The Rocket crafting table is used to craft rocket parts or rockets. The Rocket crafting table can only be crafted in the Advanced Anvil.
Here is what the Rocket crafting table looks like!

Here is how you craft the Rocket crafting table. Remember that it can only be crafted in the Advanced Anvil.

Advanced Anvil
The Advanced Anvil is used to craft steel, steel plates, and more. The Advanced Anvil can be crafted at a normal crafting table.
Here is what the Advanced Anvil looks like.

Here is how to craft the Advanced Anvil.

The Hammer is only used for crafting. Right now the only thing you can craft with the hammer is the Advanced Anvil which is very important in this addon.
Here is what the hammer crafting recipe looks like.

Molten Iron And Molten Steel
The molten iron is the start of the addon. Molten iron is only used for crafting. It can be crafted by putting an iron ingot into a furnace.
Here is what the crafting recipe looks like.

Molten Steel is what Molten Iron is used for. Molten steel is also only used for crafting purposes. It can make the steel ingot.
Here is how you make Molten Steel.

Steel is the most important item in the addon. It is the item that can craft most things such as the Rocket crafting table, or the rocket.
Steel Ingot
The steel ingot is used to make the steel plate. The Steel ingot can only be crafted on the Advanced Anvil. You can use molten steel to make the steel ingot in the Advanced Anvil.
Here is how to make the steel.

Steel Plate
The Steel Plate is used to make most of the stuff in the addon, including the Rocket crafting table, rocket parts, and more. The Steel plate can be made in the Advanced Anvil using a steel ingot.
Here is how to make the steel plate.

Steel Block
The Steel Block is a decoration block used to protect houses on the moon. The steel block is strong and more resistant to explosions.
Here is what the steel block looks like.

Here is how to craft the steel block using the Rocket Crafting Table

Hardened Glass
The Hardened Glass is a decoration block used to protect houses on the moon. The steel block is strong and more resistant to explosions than normal glass. When you break the hardened glass you get it back.
Here is what the hardened glass looks like.

Here is how to craft the hardened glass using the Rocket Crafting Table.

Rocket Parts
There are a total of three rocket parts for the basic rocket. The engine, rocket top, and fuel tank. All of them have to be crafted at the Rocket crafting table. The list of rocket parts and how to craft them are below.
Rocket Engine
The rocket engine is one of the items used to create the basic rocket. The rocket engine is crafted by using steel plates, blaze powder, and Redstone
Here is how to craft the rocket engine. Can only be crafted at a Rocket crafting table.

Rocket Top
The rocket top is the top of the rocket. It can be crafted with only steel plates. The rocket top is only used for crafting.
Here is how to make the rocket top. Can only be crafted at a Rocket crafting table.

Rocket Fuel Tank
The rocket fuel tank is the final piece used to craft the basic rocket. It can be crafted with steel plates. The rocket fuel tank is a block that you can place.
Here is how to craft the rocket fuel tank. Can only be crafted at a Rocket crafting table.

Rocket Crafting
You can craft the basic rocket using the 3 rocket pieces. The rocket can only be crafted at the Rocket crafting table.
Here is how to craft the rocket.

You can also craft the launch pad like this at the Rocket crafting table.

The Moon
you can travel to the moon using the rocket. The moon has infinite terrain like the normal Minecraft world. The moon is flat for now except for craters but I will add more terrain to the moon in the future. Your render distance has to be higher than 16 chunks to travel to the moon. The only way to get back to earth is to run /function return_to_earth

Aluminum is a new metal that can only be found on the moon, it will not generate in the overworld. When you mine aluminum ore it drops raw aluminum, smelt the raw aluminum in a furnace to get an aluminum ingot. Here is what the aluminum ore and moon iron ore look like.

Here is what the raw aluminum looks like.

Here is what the aluminum ingot looks like.

Advanced Crafting Table
The advanced crafting table is like a crafting table but it will craft the Mars Rocket and the Advanced LaunchPad in the future. For now, it can't craft anything.
Here is how to craft the Advanced crafting table. Can be crafted on normal crafting tables.

Circuit Boards
Right now the only Circuit board in the game is the Basic Circuit Board that you can use to make the Advanced Crafting Table, In the future, there will be more circuit boards to make Rockets and other things. Can be crafted on normal crafting tables.
Here is how to craft the Basic Circuit Board

Titanium is just like aluminum for now. It will be used to craft armor better than a diamond in future updates. For now, it is used for decoration. There are raw titanium and titanium ingots. They generate on the moon.
Here is what the raw titanium looks like.

Here is what the titanium ingot looks like.

Titanium Armor
You can make an armor set with some titanium ingots. The titanium armor set is better than diamond but worse than netherite. The armor is made like any other normal armor piece in Minecraft but instead uses titanium ingots. Can only be crafted in the advanced anvil.
The image below is what the titanium armor looks like.

The spacesuit can be made using steel plates. The spacesuit is close to diamond armor but worse. Because I want to make the addon compatible with other addons the spacesuit does not have any function as of yet and it's not required to go to the moon. Can only be crafted in the advanced anvil.
This is what the spacesuit looks like.

This is how to craft each of the armor parts.

That's It for now.
Enjoy the addon!
Future updates are going to include:
Spacesuit Function
New Rockets
You cannot take credit for this addon.
You cannot take the code of this addon.
You cannot repost this addon and claim it is yours.
You cannot repost this addon and post direct links.
You can make a Youtube video about this addon but you have to credit me.
- Added The Spacesuit Armor
- Added Spacesuit Recipes
- Changed Some Textures
- Changed Some Text
Minimum render distance required for the moon: 16 chunks
Turn on all experimental gameplay options for the Addon to work
This Addon might not work on slower devices
Do NOT use this addon on worlds you like because this will destroy them!
Some parts of the Moon are not generating infinitely due to a Minecraft bug.
I plan to update this addon so you might find bugs!
This addon does not have the player.json file so it should be compatible with some other addons.
known bugs
- Moon Gravity will stop if the rocket is deleted
- You can see the moon on the moon
- Some parts of the Moon are not generating correctly due to a Minecraft bug.
If the rocket despawns in the air :
Try setting your render distance above 16 chunks, or try setting your render distance lower, but not below 16 chunks.
If it still does not work, run /function moon and the moon will start generating, but be careful because this will destroy your Minecraft world
For the Mcaddon or Mcpack download
Click the files and if you have Minecraft it will open Minecraft.
Put the addon in your world.
For the Zip Download
Extract the zip file
Put the DAT file in the Minecraft behavior pack file.
Put the RES in the Minecraft resource pack file.
Open Minecraft.
Put the addon in your world.