MCPE/Bedrock Truly Vanilla RTX Normals

Vanilla RTX Normals (aka Truly Vanilla RTX) is PBR resource pack for Minecraft RTX that provides All other necessary PBR maps & fog configurations on top of Vanilla game.
Vanilla RTX Normals takes Full advantage of per-pixel MERs, which define Metallic/Emissive/Roughness for each block to bring maximum detail, with both heightmaps & normal maps.
All Blocks are Covered (Heightmaps are included in a separate subpack)

Vanilla RTX Normals allows you to experience Minecraft with Ray tracing with Vanilla Textures at It's finest, All of values for metallic/emissive/roughness have had special care & tweaking into them with highest detail possible, there are also several others smaller packs that allows you to change certain aspects of Vanilla RTX Normals
Caves & Cliffs blocks

image by markom58

Glowing Ores patch:

Clear Water patch:

Clear Glass patch:

Can be activated via gear icon next to pack when activated, this subpack uses Heightmaps instead of regular normal maps

Vanilla RTX Normals - All Rights Reserved unless otherwise explicitly stated.
You're free to do anything you like with Vanilla RTX Normals (Videos, Screenshot, Modification for personal use or Redistribute) as long as you provide a link to one of official sources, which includes Here, Vanilla RTX Normals GitHub or Vanilla RTX Normals Planet Minecraft page
You can also visit my Discord server to get early access to all future news/updates or just to give feedback or if you have other questions.
Q: Why Vanilla RTX normals has 2 Subpacks? what's different?
A: the two subpacks use different types of PBR maps, normals subpack uses 16x normals simulates curvature on a surface and how light should bounce off it, while heightmaps simulates of depth on a flat surface per pixel (& later, game generates a 128x normal map based on it to provide a feeling of depth)
Q: How can I edit pack?
A: Even though everything in this pack has had a lot of thinking in it to be suitable for everyone's needs, You may still want to edit some parts of it or create your own ray tracing capable resource pack according to your personal preferences, in that case you can read official documentations to get required information & knowledge (It's easy!) / Nvidia (Full ray tracing info & pbr/fog documentation)
Q: Some patches have subpacks, why?
A: Only Glowing ores & Glowing glazed terracotta patches include a subpack for heightmaps, this is only to retain consistency across all textures while using different subpacks in Vanilla RTX Normals itself, they are optional.
Q: How do I use patches, do I have to download all of them?
A: They are totally optional smaller packs that allows you to change certain aspects of Vanilla RTX Normals, names of each one should tell what they do, e.g Glowing ores makes ores glow.
Q: My game is not switching between subpacks
A: Activate pack in Global settings & Restart game, this may also solve problem of textures not loading.
Q: Where can I find older versions of packs?
A: All files of all versions are achieved over at my Discord.
Vanilla RTX Normals v1.6.0 Release Changelogs
note: some parts of changelog are from previous preview
★ Fogs:
- Slightly increased some of Fog density values
- Corrected some Errors in some of fog settings
(From Previous preview):
- New Swamp fog
- New Fog for Ice spikes biome.
- Standing in ocean biomes no longer breaks air fog.
- Desert now uses a similar fog config to plains, but with lesser density, and less opaque clouds compared to plains.
- All forest biomes now have use a Dense fog, while all plain biomes use less-thick variant of the same fog.
★ Added: (From Previous preview)
- Added Full support for All new Sculk blocks in Both subpacks.
- Added PBR maps for all of Education Edition “Element” blocks in both subpacks.
- Added PBR textures for Camera block.
- Added Support for “Hard Glass” blocks.
★ Changes/improvements to following blocks: (New)
- Replaced base textures of following block to match latest beta (they include minor fixes, credit goes to mojang): cartography table, grass path, cave vines, cocoa, lectern, log big/dark oak, comparator, barrel, door wood/iron
glass/red glass, glass pane top, carrot stage3, from these, Added detailed reflectivity to:
all lectern textures, all cartography table textures, all cocoa stages.
- Updated comparator on & door wood/iron MERs according to It's new texture.
- updated cave vines, cocoa, cartography, barrel, grass path, lectern & carrot heightmaps both to generally improve them & match newer texture(s)
- Obsidian parts on Enchanting table now match new obsidian block pbr textures in both subpacks
- Renewed all concrete powder heightmaps, normals & added detailed reflectivity to look similar to Sand or Red Sand
- Added Detailed reflectivity to diamond block as a result fixing red tint issue on some pixels
- Reworked all trapdoor heightmaps & normals, added detailed reflectivity
- Revamped All doors heightmaps, added detailed reflectivity & improved normals
- Redefined Dark metals MERs with Detailed reflectivity & better heightmaps (smithing table, Hopper, Cauldron, Anvil)
- Revamped All Nether wart/warped wart blocks
- minor Corrections to Sandstone/Red sandstone Mers & heightmaps
- Reworked All ores heightmaps & mers, stone parts (& stone itself) now have detailed reflecitivity
- Once again, Reduced Crimson and Warped log sides emissivity, their top textures now have glow
- Ancient Debris Detailed reflecitivity
- Reduced amethyst blocks heightmap contrast
- Detailed reflecitivity, updated normal & heightmap for Weeping & Twisting Vines
- Removed the slight noise from log top heightmaps, minor changes crimson & warped log top heightmaps
- Fully Revamped Slime & Honey blocks, Detailed reflecitvity, new heightmaps & improved normals
- Decreased Snow/Powdered snow normal map intensity, Added detailed reflectivity
- Added detailed reflectivity for all purpur blocks
- Updated farmland to match new dirt materials
- Reworked all Deepslate related blocks heightmaps & added Detailed reflectivity
- Inverted Ice & Frosted Ice heightmaps, Removed the slight noise from all ice heightmaps, Fixed 2 pixels on sandstone heightmap having wrong height
- Fixed Purpur Pillar side Normal
- Updated Calcite, added detailed reflectivity & renewed heightmap
- Full Revamped all coral plants/blocks in both subpacks
- Improved Lodestone heightmaps & added detailed reflectivity
(From Previous preview):
- Removed Noise/dithering from some of Heightmaps.
- Glass and Glass pane top now use a Heightmap in heightmaps subpack, Glass now has a slight frame heightmap.
- Torches now use a proper normal map in normals subpack.
- Added detailed reflectivity for Grass block, Mycelium, Podzol etc... & Improved their heightmaps.
- Improved Vine Heightmap & added Detailed reflecitivity.
- Glow item frame now glows a lot less.
- Cobblestone & mossy Cobblestone detailed reflectivity.
- minor fixes to stone normal map tiling.
- Grindstone detailed reflectivity.
- Reduced all Flowers heightmap contrast
- Inverted all flowers & flower pot, compost top, Hanging roots heightmaps, this will result in Better Normal edges
- Detailed Endstone reflectivity similar to endstone Bricks
- Reduced Redstone Heightmap Contrast
- Version number is now included in name of pack
- Added a very slight dirtiness effect to glass reflectivity
- Reworked all log side Heightmaps, reduced stripped log sides heightmap contrast
- water lily mer
- Emerald material is no longer the same as Diamond
- improved iron materials, updated iron block heightmap
- updated iron/oak/dark oak trapdoor normals
- Increased Blue channel contrast in log sides mers even further to make per pixel mers even more noticable
- Observer reflectivity now matches Its materials, redone heightmap
- Soul Sand & Soul Soil now have detailed reflectivity
- All dripstone blocks now have more detailed reflectivity
- Reworked Barrel in heightmaps subpack, Detailed Reflectivity
- Once again, Unknown block "Update" text glows, but this time very slightly, Updated It's Dirt parts to match new dirt materials
- Reduced all concrete powder heightmaps contrast
- Obsidian blocks heightmaps
- Reworked leaves normals & added Detailed reflectivity
- Cactus overhaul in both subpacks with detailed reflectivity
- Gravel overhaul in both subpacks with detailed reflectivity
- Lodestone improvements
- Clay detailed reflectivity
- All Basalt blocks overhaul
- Improved all bricks normals, reduced netherbrick blocks normal intensity
- All bricks now have detailed reflectivity depending on how bright pixels on texture is.
- Remastered Amethyst blocks normals
- Improved Brick normal
- Updated Glowing Obsidian emissivity, Glowing Obsidian no longer uses a normal map in Heightmaps subpack.
- Complete TNT/Underwater TNT overhaul in both subpack, Underwater TNT now uses a normal map in normals subpack instead of heightmaps
- reduced crafting table top normal intensity
- slightly Increased all Ice normals intensity
- reduced Redstone dust normals intensity
- detailed composter reflectivity, updated heightmap
- massively improved Prismarine blocks
- Fixed Barrel Reflectivity inconsistency & Barrel Heightmaps
- Lowered Redstone Lamp brightness with more detailed reflectivity
- Redstone lamp heightmap
- Fixed End Rod normal, Updated & detailed emissivity (blurred from center according to base texture)
- Bamboo Normals
- Barrel Normals intensity changes
- improved Basalt/basalt top normal, better curvature
- Haybale Normal
- Crying Obsidian Emissivity changes
- Respawn anchor and Crying obsidian materials are now consistent
- Complete Overhaul of all Sandstone/Red sandstone in Both subpacks (Sandstone, Smooth sandstone, Chiseled sandstone & their red variants)
- Improved Beacon, Granite, Stonecutter, Cobblestone, End stone, Mossy Cobblestone, Observer side, Bedrock, Blackstone Normals
- Complete Overhaul of Pistons in both subpacks
- Iron Door, Trapdoor, Iron block, Crafting table, Berry Bushes, sand, red sand, Campfires, Bone block heightmaps
- Detailed reflectivity for all Planks, Updated all planks Heightmaps
- All Foliage now have Decreased Normal map intensity, this includes all Grass, Saplings, etc…
- Updated Beehive/Bee nest Normals and Heightmaps
- Decreased Clay Normal intensity, detailed clay reflectivity
- Fixed Haybale normal
- Fixed Noteblock/Jukebox side normals
- All command block heightmaps and mers have been updated, Edges are no longer glossy, replaced base textures with vanilla textures, reduced their brightness
- All bricks heightmaps renewed
- Loom
- Redstone parts on rails now glows less, Gold/Iron parts of rail now use the same reflectivity as gold/Iron block
- Inverted Rail normals wooden parts, reduced overall intensity of their normals
- Fixed Rail Turned and Golden rail normals
- Glazed Glazed Terracotta blocks
- Updated Mycelium side normal map
- Complete Netherite overhaul with detailed reflectivity
- Reverted Diamond/Gold/Lapis Normals to Vanilla RTX Normals Pre-v1.0.6, this time with improved curvature.
- Renewed All Copper/Cut Copper normals with an awesome curvature, detail now goes to reflectivity of blocks
- Complete overhaul of Andesite
- Smooth Stones (Granite, Andesite, Diorite), Polished and Chiseled Blackstone, Smooth basalt now have more detailed reflectivity
- Updated Quartz mers, now less of a perfectly reflective block
- Purpur normal now matches new Cut copper normals, so player can use them together without normal maps clashing
- According to Its vanilla properties, border block can no longer be used as a light source (reduced emissivity)
- Fixed comparator normal map
- Renewed all log side & Log top mers with highly detailed reflectivity
- Repeater and Comparator redstone parts now glow when activated, they now follow the same reflectivity as other redstone components
stone parts now have the same reflectivity as stone
- Improved Coal block heightmap, now with detailed reflectivity
- Warped and Crimson log sides now emit far less light
- Torch/Soul torch/Redstone torch now emit even less light (still pretty lit though!)
- Updated Fletcher table Normals & mers
- Inverted Blue channel brightness for Leaves MERs
- Smithing table normals
- reduced noise on log top heightmaps
- Stripped Crimson and Warped log side heightmaps
- Complete Glazed Terracotta overhaul, massively improved reflectivity/heightmaps, with decreased normal intensity & minor fixes
- Stone Granite overhaul
- Purpur pillar normals
- Reworked Education edition table blocks
- Stripped Log sides are now softer with decreased normal map intensity
- Slime mob Slime texture parts now look similar to Slime block, this was done through reducing opacity
- Fixed Glow Item Frame
- Glowstone now glows less, updated Its heightmap
- Improved all ores/deepslate ores, Nether Quartz/Gold Gilded blackstone normals, normal map Edges around ore itself now make a softer transition
- Fixed Deepslate Coal using wrong PBR maps
- Updated Deepslate coal ore texture & PBR maps, previously deepslate coal ore was from one of older 1.17 betas, the difference isn’t huge but it had to be updated.
- Copper Rod is now more faithful to other copper materials
- Round Crimson and warped log sides, apparently, I’ve missed this one out while adding a curvature to log sides in previous updates.
- Shroomlight now glows less, reduced normal intensity
- Minor changes to Grass side & glow lichen normal maps, there was 1-2 pixels in their normal maps that were too intense, leading to them appearing fully dark in certain conditions, if you saw anything like this on any other block, let me know.
Following blocks only have improved reflectivity:
coal block, crimson trapdoor, dark oak trapdoor, jungle trapdoorm, melon top, mushroom block inside, mushroom block skin brown, mushroom block skin stem, noteblock, spruce trapdoor, trapdoor, tuff, warped trapdoor,
big dripleaf side2, big dripleaf stem, big dripleaf top, blackstone, blackstone top, birch trapdoor, acacia trapdoor, calcite, chorus flower dead, chorus plant, Juke Box
and many.. many more.
★ Removed (From Previous preview):
- All Education Edition blocks
- Painting References
- All Ui related files
- Lots of unused files (~200)
Note: All resulting in +8mb size reduction, this has been done for cleaning up pack/getting rid of unnecessary things or anything isn’t really “Vanilla”
or isn’t accepting/in need of PBR textures
as seen in previous updates, I’ve been constantly adding new different Education edition blocks.
Which all were replacing Vanilla textures (element blocks), now with their removal from pack, they are not fully gone, they will be included in a separate patch in future if you still wish you to use them.
just place it above pack itself, this would be significantly better as education edition blocks only work when you activate pack in world settings, with this change,
you won’t need to Load/delete pack from your world for each of Vanilla RTX Normals updates & you can only leave the small patch mentioned there & have everything work properly, Education Edition blocks have been Discontinued from this moment.
Other notes: Updated some of screenshots & cleaned up the page from old information, Removed Cracked Nether Brick to mirror patch
Helpful usage tips & Information
- Vanilla RTX Normals Will not work with any Android/iOS device or Consoles: ht
- Sometimes Switching between subpacks does not work if resource pack is activated in Global settings, in this case, you will need to restart game, sometimes several times.
- If Textures aren't being loaded in game (or resource pack isn't working), activate pack in global settings instead, there's a problem which affects some of devices if pack is activated in World settings.
If you still have trouble Downloading or Installing/using pack or you've faced other problems you can also visit my Discord Server & ask for help from others, or just comment here.