MCPE/Bedrock V1 Survivalcraft Nether Expansion

Survivalcraft nether expansion is a new nether addon than adds new armors, weapons, mobs, blocks and ores to make more funny this dimension, also in this version i add new interesant tools to all the ores. It is totally compatible with survivalcraft more tools and armor and survivalcraft end expansion.
Video by Maat
Video by Santiago Gamer
The new mobs are:
Magma Mollusk

Fire spirit

Piglin champion

Piglin pigsteel knight

Mercenary piglin

Skeleton piglin

Skeleton hoglin

Soul skeleton

Wandering wither skeleton

Nether spider

Piglin gladiator

King piglin

Lava lake's monster

King blaze

The forgotten warrior

Soul minotaur

Soul warrior minotaur

Magma minotaur

Ghast phantom

Black ghast

Soul ghast


Basalt giant

Magma golem

Nether trader

King skeleton

The devil

The devil is the strongest mob of the nether and drops his devil sword

The new armors of the addon are:
Quartz armor

The quartz armor is not more stronge than the iron armor and you have to make the new quartz ingot

And craft with the classic form

Gold chainmail armor

Similar to iron chainmail armor but more weak
To craft the armor

Reinforced gold armor
More weak than diamond, and more stronge than iron this is the new reinforced gold armor

The armor's craft is with the classic gold armor and two gold blocks

Firebium armor

More stronge than iron you can get it with the firebium ore and with the normal crafting

Blaze armor

This new armor is with the quartz ingot and blaze powder and the normal crafting


You can find this metal generated in all your nether

To craft this armor you need the normal firebium ingot with magma

In this nether update you could find the new warped, serin and crimsom fruit

The new nether has new blocks like:
Volcano stone

Crimsom netherrack

Warped netherrack

Nether ores

New serin micro biome

New structures

Decoration blocks

Finally new nether caves generation

Spoiler next addon update

New ores
New armor and tools
New serin micro-biome
New blocks
New mobs
New structures
1.- Go to the end of the submission and click in the mcaddon or mcpack archive.
2.- Export mcaddon archive to minecraft
3.-Wait the exportation
4.-Active the resource and behavior packs
5.-Active the experimental options
6.-Go to play the addon in your world