MCPE/Bedrock Vein Miner New Update 1.18 Support

This addon introduces a new way of mining ores. Now you can mine the whole vein of the ores by just mining one ore block. You just have to sneak by pressing the shift button or whatever button you have set for sneaking. By default, it's the left shift. This addon is survival-friendly too.
The new update adds new blocks to the addon like wood logs and others.
UPDATE: This addon now supports the new 1.18 latest release.
You can mine ores and even their deep slate version. All the thing you have to do is sneak. But if you have to mine a single piece, just mine it normally, without sneaking.

You can mine all the ores including iron, copper, and many more. In the coming future, more blocks support will be added to this addon.

Currently, the blocks supported for vein mining are as follows :
- Ancient Debris
- Diamonds (Includes Deepslate Version)
- Iron (Includes Deepslate Version)
- Gold (Includes Deepslate Version)
- Copper (Includes Deepslate Version)
- Coal (Includes Deepslate Version)
- Lapis (Includes Deepslate Version)
- Emerald (Includes Deepslate Version)
- Nether Gold
- Nether Quartz
- Gravel
- Granite
- Andesite
- Diorite
New Blocks added to the addon are as follows...
- All wood logs
- Nether wood
- Wart Blocks (Crimson and Warped)
- Redstone
- Glowstone
- Clay
NOTE: Fortune doesn't work while vein mining. To do so, you have to mine it normally.
If you want to review this addon in your content, use it with credits and provide this page link for download.
That's it, if you like this addon, share it with your friends, and if you found any bug, definitely let me know in the comments below. Thankyou..!
- This addon now supports the new 1.18 latest release.
- Updated the featured image.
- First click on the download link and follow the steps and download the addon.
- Now double click on it, now the game will automatically import the addon.
- Now go to your world settings, the behavior packs, then select this addon and press activate.
- Now enter the world and enjoy.
creator: SkinnyChopples