MCPE/Bedrock Wither Elite Boss Addon

You are wondering something stronger than Wither boss or Ender Dragon? Well if so, This add-on is for You! This add-on Adds a new Boss In your Minecraft, The boss name's Wither Elite. This boss is very Powerful! And it contains four Abilities! BTW Read the Description so that you can see his Status!
Created by Inwardwolf61415
YouTube channel Inwardwolf Addon Creator Mc and GD
How Does it works?

You can summon Wither Elite by Construct Iron block and pumpkin (same to Irongolem)BTW Iron block is retextured Of soul sand And pumpkin is retextured of crying obsidian
Wither Elite is an Wither Variant and he is one of the Strongest Variants of wither! He came From wither Lands. He will kill everything he leads in his way! He is also mad of Players, especially villagers, because players and villagers Destroyed there Land in year ago. When you see him on your sight we'll make sure to Run or Ready your Powerful Weapons!

His Status📋
His Basic
• Health 4000
• Attack Damage 60 per hit
• Speed 1.0
• cannot be KnockBack
• Can See Very Far
His Abilities
Melee Attack he just Throw you on the Sky(like Irongolem Did)

This ability he always shoot wither Heads per second that can cause a Big damage
•Splash attack

BTW he Also attack players Villager snow man and iron golem!
Splash attack is the most powerful ability! You need to keep distance In 5 Blocks so that you Can save you life!
Sometimes he will surrender to fighting you but still he still shoots wither heads!
If You Gonna use the add-on or you make a video of it. All you need to do is to give this link Not a Media Fire link or else I will report you!
You can also Credit me if you Want to.
BTW if you request a add-on well just go to my YouTube channel and request your add-on! I'll make sure to credit you!
For More Details You Can Watch this Vid If You mind You can also Visit my YouTube channel for more Add-ons!
Ok so that's it and a hope you like it!
The End🔚
Click here to download
After Download then click the file
Choose documents
Then choose Minecraft
Wait until successfully imported show
Open a new world
Then apply both resource Pack and behavior pack
Then turn Experimental gameplay Except Enable Gametest Framework
Then play and enjoy!
You can also contact me on YouTube if you have a issue from downloading the file!