MCPE/Bedrock Zhyuro's Tartarean Mobs

Are You a Diablo Player? ,Did You Play it until Diablo IV? .For Veterans Surely Not Surprised by the Modified Monsters, right? ,So what if the Mobs in Minecraft Bedrock Also Modified like in Diablo? .Here's the Addon that will Modify Them! (ΩДΩ)

This Addon will make you Miserable Forever with Diablo Style Mobs Modifications!
Now the Mobs will be Much Harder to Defeat because:
♦ Their Speed Increases which is Hard To Hit
♦ Deadly Damage that can Kill with Just A Few Hits
♦ And Thick Health that is Almost Endless
They have Ranks that Show their Difficulty Levels:
♦ Rare
♦ Ultra
♦ Infernal

Higher Rank = More Increase their Statistics
And they are So Annoying
We are Killed By Them Immediately while they are Almost Impossible to Kill By Us (╥﹏╥)
For now, only the Most Common Mobs can be Modified such as:
Zombie, Skeleton, Spider & Creeper
More Mobs Coming Soon... (≧▽≦)
Spawn Chances:
Maybe I'm Exaggerating Too Much
I'm just trying to Scare You...Hee~Hee... (ΩДΩ)
Don't Worry, Modified Mobs are Rarely Found depending on their Rank:
♦ Normal Mobs = 380% Spawn chance
♦ Rare = 20% Spawn chance
♦ Ultra = 10% Spawn chance
♦ Infernal = 5% Spawn chance

But although their Spawn Chances are Very Small
Sometimes they Spawn More Often
so Be Careful when Adventuring
Usually they will Jumpscare You! (ΩДΩ)
Special Abilities:
Like in Diablo, they have Special Abilities like:
Blastoff = Throws Enemy in the air
Bullwark = 60% Damage Resistance
Cloaking = Completely Invisible
Darkness = Blinding the Enemy
Ender & Ninja = Teleport
Poisonous = Poisoning the Enemy
Quicksand = Slows the Enemy
Sapper = Hungry the Enemy
Sprint = Move Fast
Weakness = Weakens the Enemy
Wither = Wither the Enemy
Higher Rank = More Increase their Special Abilities
When they Spawn, the Boss Bar & Colored Writings
Will Appear within Certain Distances according to their Rank:
♦ Rare = Blue in 10 Blocks
♦ Ultra = Yellow in 20 Blocks
♦ Infernal = Purple in 30 Blocks
Colored Particles also Surround them, so their Rank will be Recognized from Afar:
♦ Rare = Blue
♦ Ultra = Yellow
♦ Infernal = Bright Red, I Can't Find Purple (╥﹏╥)
Each Special Ability has Different Identifiers, Examples:

I Know if You Kill Them just Because you Want their Loots, right?
I Make Sure Your Effort will Pay Off because they will Drops:
♦ Double [2X] Loot of Ordinary Mobs
♦ Quadruple [4X] Exp
♦ And Random Enchanted Weapons / Tools:
♦ Rare = Iron
♦ Ultra = Golden
♦ Infernal = Diamond

Sometimes they drop 1-3 Iron Ingots / Gold Ingots / Diamonds, instead of Random Enchanted Weapons / Tools
Higher Rank = Better & Double the Loots
Don't Say that there are Still Not Pay Off, You are Greedy! (눈_눈)
♦ There are Enderman & More Special Abilities, but have been Removed due to Causing Game Crash! (╥﹏╥) [After All, it would be Too OP]
♦ Only Holiday Creator Features that Must Be Enabled!

♦ For Now, Only English Available
♦ Recommended playing this Addon in Version 1.17.0+
♦ Known Bug = Sometimes Identifiers Don't Appear & I Can't Fix It! [Minecraft Bug] (╥﹏╥)
♦ Actually this Addon Based on a Java Mod named "Infernal Mobs" Made by Atomicstryker
I Got Permission & It was Written on the Licence that:
♦ You are Allowed to Read & Use the Provided Sourcecode in order to Make Interacting Mods so long the resulting Mods Still Require My Originals to Function
♦ You are Allowed to Integrate Ideas / Techniques from My Sourcecode into your Mods & Sourcecode Assumed from Other Authors Fall Under their Respective Licenses & Copyright Statements
♦ A Link should Always be Provided
♦ All My Work is Open Source
Conclusion = I'm Allowed to Take Over This Addon with My Own Copyright As Long As I Link to His Mod! (≧▽≦)

Actually there's No Point in Posting the Proof above
Just in Case you Don't Believe it!
And We Misunderstand Each Other during Conversation!
♦ Updated Addon Description
♦ Language Fix
♦ More In-Game Images
Please Learn How To Install Addon On Youtube, It Will Help You ?