3D Items - v4 | Subpacks!

3D Items - v4 | Subpacks!

3D Items - v4 | Subpacks!

Have you ever wanted 3D items? Well now you have it, this texture adds 3D items such as lanterns, torches and campfires, soon even more 3D items such as totem, sea cucumber ect ect will be added


Maybe I think this is the first texture with items like 3D lanterns, torches and campfires, but something that is also special about this texture is that it will be compatible with Hirxcrafts Retro (created by Twitchtube and me)

And it may also be compatible with some of your textures, and well, you wonder how I can make the texture of the flashlight compatible with my texture?

-well you see the images that are below, those you will have to redesign and put the design of your texture, to achieve the transparent effect just make the pixels are half transparent but still show, and when you finish doing that you can have your lantern or torch or campfire as your texture, although good if you are going to distribute it or make a version that now your texture can be joined with this texture, put credits from the creator I mean I xd

Functional items: 
-Soul lantern 
-Redstone torch
-Soul torch 
-Soul campfire
-Flower pot
-Brick and Nether brick
-Doors and Signs

 I recommend that you use it with a dynamic light addon ;v



Video + Addons Support:

It is no longer necessary to download the ALT version since it is already included in the subpacks




it includes too many changes and new items, and the following was added...

New Functional Items:

-Ender Eye
-Ender Pearl
-Mushroom bowl
-Beetroot bowl
Fixed a very important bug with books

-Now being in a Subpack version, it prevents MCPE from crashing and you will be able to better enjoy the texture ^^
-Also removed the 3D icon of the boads, cauldron, hopper and armor stand

-Differences between the 2 versions

3D Items (this version includes compatibility with other textures but they do not glow in the dark)
3D Items ALT (this version adds light to items such as torch, lamps and campfires but does not connect with other textures)

OLD Video Update:

creator: https://twitter.com/Yahirx_Rps_MC