MCPE/Bedrock Beforecraft Addon

¡Anteriormente existían los humanos, y ahora han regresado a Minecraft para luchar contra el mal nuevamente! Beforecraft es un complemento que agregará diferentes tropas que te ayudarán a combatir las nuevas amenazas en tu mundo en Minecraft
To fight the cursed souls of ancient battles, you must build a base to create troops and fight the enemy
To do this you must summon a buldier to help you set up a base to start creating your troops

Once you have the summoning pearl, throw it on the floor to summon the builder

Now is the time to start building your army, but first for this you must have a place where your neutral units are housed, since being like villagers, they need a place to rest, for this you must place 4 to 5 beds

Once this is done, you should talk to the builder so that in exchange for materials he will give you a bell, once you have it, place it near the beds, and then you will have created a small village to start your troops, but you will wonder if this is necessary? not entirely, this is mostly so that your units do not go so far and your soldiers defend your base and your neutral units, you can also do this in an existing village, since your units will adopt this village as their home

The main income of your resources and defense of your base will be your units
For the attack units to follow you you must feed them with any type of cooked meat
Neutral Units

Constructor: this unit provides you with buildings in exchange for materials for their construction, it also repairs the ruins of the buildings, as long as it detects the ruins in its range of vision
Miner: in exchange for cooked meat, he will mine for a minute, when he returns interact with him to provide you with: gold, diamond and coal
Hunter: in exchange for a block of gold he will give you raw meat, as a result of his hunt, it will take about 5 seconds to give you what he has collected
Undertaker: this unit will eliminate the corpses left by your eliminated troops, in order to prevent them from turning into zombies
Each of these units has 20 health, and except for the hunter, they will not defend against enemies.
S Units

Cannon: Health 40 - will launch cannon balls that explode on contact
Swordsman: health 30 - has an attack of 6, equipped with an iron sword is not a very strong unit by itself, in groups they will be lethal
Banner S: Health 35 - carries your faction's flag
Acher: 25 health - will shoot arrows with a regular speed
Crossbow: 40 health - shoots long arrows that deal great damage on contact
Mutant Warrior: 500 health - a unit with high damage and a powerful area attack
Captain: 200 health - a unit with a lot of strength and diamond weapons
Expert Marksman: 150 health - shoots arrows very quickly
Ram: 100 health - able to penetrate the rock of both the Overlord and the Nether, in order to destroy the enemy's walls
Catapult: 150 health - will launch rocks that go through enemies with great damage, rocks are also capable of destroying defenses
Mech: 600 health - with great damage and a powerful hit to the ground that will blow up enemies
W Units

Spear: health 35 - his spear is infected with poison
Captain W: health 180 - his diamond equipment is infected with poison
Banner W: 35 health - deals good damage with both sickles
Espadachin W: 50 health - will not recoil from damage from his equipped shield
Bludgeon: 40 health - deals great damage with his poisoned deck
A Units

Hammer: 35 health - deals great damage and slows your enemy
Banner A: Health 35 - his attack slows the enemy
Rider: health of horse 20, soldier 30 - they charge against the enemy with great speed
Rider C: health of horse 20 - rider 180 - his attack slows the enemy
Heavy Swordsman: 60 health - deals great damage and with his extra armor he will resist many attacks
Elite Units

Angel: 40 health - gives healing effect to nearby units, and they will revive the corpses of eliminated units
Wizard Boss: 100 health - a powerful wizard who throws three fire charges in a row
Captain Elite: Health 50 - Summon mutant warriors onto the battlefield
Summoner: 60 health - Summon various swordsmen onto the battlefield

Nightmare: Health 500 - great attack power and great resistance to attacks
Redbone: 400 Health - great strength and fires a powerful beam that quickly eliminates enemies
Black Butterfly: Health 300 - very similar to Nightmare but with less power, since in return it is able to remove the degenerative effects to the units
Able to provide you with units in exchange for resources

Once placed it will make a builder, a miner and a hunter appear, it can also provide neutral units in exchange for gold and diamond
Barracks S

After 2 minutes it will generate a squad of S units, it can also provide S units in exchange for gold
Barracks W

After 1 minute it will generate a platoon of W units, you can also exchange gold to obtain W units
Barracks A

After 1 minute it will generate a platoon of A units, you can also exchange gold to obtain A units
Arcane Tower

After 1 minute it generates an angel, you can also exchange diamonds to obtain elite units and heroes, it has the characteristic of giving the effect of weakness to nearby enemies

will damage nearby enemies
Quite strong and relentless, most of them have netherite equipped, and the vast majority are in the nether, if you want to enter this dimension you should be prepared

Only the heralds of the nether will appear during the night but they will mostly be in the Soulsand Valley

Pronto se agregará una actualización que traerá una nueva facción y una nueva dificultad para el Nether Boss, háganos saber si hay errores y también dé sugerencias para saber qué le gustaría ver en la próxima actualización, ¡gracias! ?
Los enlaces en linkvertise se han modificado y mejorado, gracias ?