More Body Actions + Pick up & Carry

More Body Actions
This addon allows you to sit down, lie down, crawl and climb on the ground without any commands. Also, when you crawl, you can crawl in a 1 block hole! And when you climb on the ground, you can climb through a 0.5 block hole! Likewise, your 1st person camera drops lower when you crawl or climb on the ground.
The player is sitting:
The player lies:
The player is crawling:
The player climbs on the ground:
How to use:
To sit down, just look as far down as possible and sneak
To lie down, just look as far up as possible and sneak
To start crawling, first sit down (to sit down, just look as far down as possible and sneak) and just walk forward.
To start climbing the ground, jump while crawling. Jump again to return to crawl mode.
To get up just press sneak
Pick up & Carry
This addon allows you to pick up any mobs or players and carry them anywhere without any commands. You can pick up a mob or a player, only both of your hands are free and you are standing on the ground. (you cannot pick up a mob or player if, for example, you are standing in the water or holding something in your hand). Also, the mob or player you are carrying can hit you.
The view from the 1st person is excellent:
How to use:
To pick up a mob or player, go to him as close as possible, look at him and sneak. Then jump.
To release a mob or player, sneak, then jump.
These two addons have been placed in this assembly.
Assembly notes:
This assembly only works on version 1.16.100 and above. If your version of minecraft is lower (1.16.5 \ 1.16.4 \ 1.16.0) this assembly will not work!
This assembly does not require any experimental world options to be enabled!
This assembly works great in multiplayer!
Is this assembly compatible with other addons?
This icon in the assembly name means that this assembly is incompatible with most addons from other creators. Also, all my addons and assemblies with this icon are incompatible with each other.