No Trees Pack (v.1.0)

By PavelDobCZ23
As the name implies, this behavior pack removes all trees from Minecraft. A fun challenge for a speedrunner or just something to goof around with! If you're searching for a fresh challenge, try this pack with a post-apocaliptic atmosphere.
This behavior pack disables all tree generation, including huge mushrooms and nether fungus, in Minecraft. All saplings are still available through trading, looting, and other means, but if that's not enough of a challenge for you, you can enable Hardcore Mode, which disables all sapling-gathering options. For additional information, see the section below. This pack can also be handy when you want to build something on natural terrain but without trees getting in your way, that's just a random idea i got lol.
There are 2 pack options available in this pack.
Normal - All tree, giant mushroom and nether fungi generation is removed, saplings are still obtainable. (default)
Hardcore Mode - All tree, giant mushroom and nether fungi generation is removed, saplings are unobtainable.
Normal option is selected by deafult, if you want to switch the option, click on the gear icon on the pack.
This pack works on all MC versions above 1.17 including betas.
Following experimental features are needed for the pack to work!
If you want to see how the world can look like without trees, take a look at the screenshots provided below.
If you want to join our great community, get involved in development via polls/feedback or report any bug or issue, make sure to join our Discord Server.
This behavior pack was made by Studio IceCraft and is restricted under this license. If you wish to share this content, make sure to credit with link to this post!
Enjoy playing with this behavior pack!