Origins+ 1.4.1

By ShadowSharkPVP
One of the most polished and unique bedrock mods you'll ever find!
Created by me (ShadowSharkPVP) and based of the java version of the mod by APACE100
(Added slime and Orb of Origins)
1.4.1 is the second out of many updates that will be coming every week! (hopefully)
Here is the update roadmap but just be aware that the dates are not final, because of school and random things coming up there's a decent chance I'll miss one or two of the dates by a day or two.
1.4.2, coming August 8th
- Inchling
- Probably decent bug fixes
1.4.3, coming August 15th
- Starborne
- Probably minor bug fixes
The Origins:
+ Has ender pearls
- Takes damage in rain and water
+ Can breath underwater
+ Can see underwater
+ Can mine underwater as if not in water
+ Can swim faster
- Can't breath on land
(Can phantomize using the new custom item it gives you, just press the same button you use to eat while holding the item and it'll switch you!)
+ Can phase through solid blocks
+ While phantomized, you are invisible
- Burns in daylight
- Very hungry when in phantom mode
- 3 less hearts then humans
+ Can glide
+ Can boost in the air every 30 seconds (crouch)
+ Does more damage while gliding
- Being under a low ceiling will weaken you
- You take 2x fall damage
- Can't wear chestplates
+ Immune to lava and fire damage (actually works now)
+ Immune to poison and hunger status effects
- Takes damage in rain and water
- Has mining fatigue and can't use shields due to their weird hands
- Gets weaker when touching snow/ice
+ Slowfalling (unless crouching)
+ Slightly faster
+ Become more powerful the more chickens are around you (BALANCED, now not nearly as strong)
- Can't eat meat
- Loses slow falling and speed when touching water or rain
+ Can climb flat walls (works on mobile now!)
+ Can cobweb entities around you every 30 seconds (crouch)
- Can ONLY eat meat
- 3 less hearts then humans
+ Has access to 9 more slots of inventory, which stay after death (just crouch, look down, and then interact!)
+ Takes less damage
- Can't hold shields
- Very hungry
+ No fall damage
+ Can jump higher when sprinting
+ Scares creepers away
- Only 9 hearts
+ Can fly
+ Saturation & Regen by Flowers
= has item to poison everyone in radius (including itself)
- 5 less health points
- can't eat anything
- Slowness & Weakness in rain
+ Crouch for 4 seconds to go invisible
+ runs faster
+ jump boost when crouching
+ crouch, look down and interact for 9 more inventory slots
+ night vision
- 6 hearts
- hungry 24/7
- can't use shields
+ Has 3 stages, starts on stage 2, goes down a stage per "death", goes up a stage for each slimeball eaten (actually dies when you die on stage 1)
+ More jumpboost per stage
+ No fall-damage
- More slowness each stage
- Slowness in rain/water
- 2x fire/lava damage
Main UI:
Old UI: (option)
Legal stuff;
The original mod licence ( indicates that "The copyright notice only applies to copies or substantial portions of the Software." and yes this is a port of the java mod, the actual software itself is very different and is not a copy or substantial portion of the software.
So I have permission to port the Origins mod, but I don't have exclusive permission to port the mod, meaning anyone can port the mod to bedrock if they so wish.
With that being said, here are the things you can and cannot do with MY code/software (Origins+)
You CAN upload a video on it (given you put the MCPEDL link in the description)
You CAN use this in SMPS (given the creators in it also put the MCPEDL link in there descriptions)
You CANNOT use my code in your own origin mods (or any mod for that matter)
You CANNOT reupload my mod as your own on other websites or apps
Cute slime art in the thumbnail:
"How do I repick my Origin?"
You can use /function restartall to restart everyone online
And you can use /tag (USERNAME) add restart to restart that 1 person
I also just want to say that about 90% of issues will be fixed after either rejoining or by resetting your origin, so don't be shy to use /tag (your name) add restart!
I've also seen some creators say in there videos that you need experimental toggles, and I just want to reiterate that technically you don't need ANY extra settings (although you will need cheats enabled in order to repick your Origin)