Pokemon United V0.5 Beta

By PandaCraft
This is a Pokémon addon designed for other Pokémon lovers by a Brazilian enthusiast. Interact with trainers, capture Pokémon, and more! Its primary feature is the textures, and the models included in this extension are completely unique, stunning, and in high definition!
This add-on was designed to awaken the feeling of adventure and exploration in all coaches!
Due to popular demand, this update is considered to be DLC and will provide minor updates and the introduction of simple features.
With this addon installed, you can travel the world of Minecraft in search of pokémon!
Creator: "Panda Maker",
Version: .1.0.0
Subscribe to the channel:
- addon: Panda Maker
What is that?
- Three new entities known as Pokémon have been added to the game. You will find them spawning naturally in your world in biomes like animals and during certain times (usually during the day).
- complete visual redesign of the UI
- Bulbasaur (# 001)
- Charmander (# 004)
- Squirtle (# 007)
Bulbasaur (# 001):
- Spawn during the day
- All biomes can be found
- Can be tamed with
Charmander (# 004):
- Spawn during the day
- All biomes can be found
- Can be tamed with
Squitle (# 007):
- Spawn during the day
- All biomes can be found
- Can be tamed with
What Items Does Spawn Have?
- PokeStop (drops pokeballs and pokecoinds)
- Exchange Menu (You can get items from quick miners)
- Interface 3D
- Red Apricorn (Tap to drop 5 Apricorn)
PokeStop :
- Spawn during the day
- All biomes can be found
- Dropa Pokeballs and PokeConds
Exchange Menu:
- Spawn during the day
- All biomes can be found
- Exchange pokeballs, aluminum, apricorn, ect ...
Apricorn :
- Spawn during the day
- All biomes can be found
- Dropa Apricorns
Customized Guide:
Demo video
- Play & record
- modify for your own use
- share by official link (MCPEDL)
- share direct link
- steal stuff from the addon
- modify for distribution