PTX Minor PvP Changes v2.1 - 1.17 Update!

This pack includes a few tweaks to improve the Vanilla PvP experience! Slightly shorter swords and highlighted ores are among the modifications, with many more in the works! If you have any suggestions, please post them in the comments section. Goodbye, overpowered PvP Packs!
Here are the changes!
Here are the updated ore textures! NEW deepslate and copper ores for 1.17!
Removed pumpkin blur!
Clear waters!
Reduced Rain for better visibility!
Lower fire textures! (Yes I am aware the red fire seems a little high but I just took a really bad screenshot)
Smaller axes!
Added 2 variants of short sword to choose from!
Note: I compiled the photos better so it's easier to view, but everything is still the same!