Simplex 16x

Simplex 16x is a texture pack made so the textures in Minecraft are less detailed and more simplistic to make looking at your game easier on your eyes, It can also be good for pvp, building, and other things too!
This pack has a lot of features that you will like. If you are a pvper there are 2 main things you may like, first there are shortened swords, and with the simpler textures there are less things to distract you during a battle (Low Fire Soon). If you are a builder, this pack will make it easier to decide which textures you may want to use. If you are a redstoner, you may like the simple redstone that there is, there are many more use cases for this, I just listed a few.
All blocks effected (Alphabetical Order):
- Acacia Trapdoor,
- Amethyst Block,
- Amethyst Cluster,
- Ancient Debris,
- Anvil,
- Azealia Leaves (All),
- Bamboo (All),
- Barrier,
- Basalt,
- Beacon,
- Bedrock,
- Bee Nest,
- Bee Hive,
- Beetroots,
- Bell,
- Birch Trapdoor,
- Blackstone,
- Blast Furnace,
- Blue Ice,
- Bone Block,
- Bookshelf,
- Border,
- Brewing Stand,
- Brick,
- Build (Allow/Deny),
- Cactus,
- Cake,
- Calcite,
- Candle,
- Carried Waterlily,
- Cartography Table,
- Cauldron,
- Chain,
- Chest,
- Chiseled Nether Bricks,
- Chiseled Polished Blackstone,
- Chorus Plant (All),
- Clay,
- Coal (All),
- Coarse Dirt,
- Cobblestone,
- Cobblestone Mossy,
- Comparator,
- Composter,
- Concrete (All),
- Concrete Powder (All),
- Copper (All), Coral (All),
- Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks,
- Crafting Table,
- Crying Obsidian,
- Dark Oak Trapdoor,
- Deadbush,
- Diamond (All),
- Dirt,
- Dripstone,
- Emerald (All),
- Enchanting Table,
- End Bricks,
- End Rod,
- End Stone,
- Ender Chest,
- End Crystal,
- Endframe,
- Farmland (All),
- Fire,
- Flowers (All),
- Flower Pot,
- Frosted Ice (All),
- Furnace,
- Gilded Blackstone,
- Glass (All),
- Glow Item Frame,
- Glowstone,
- Gold (All),
- Gravel,
- Hay Block,
- Ice,
- Ice Packed,
- Iron Bars,
- Iron Ore,
- Iron Trapdoor,
- Item Frame,
- Jukebox,
- Ladder,
- Lantern,
- Lapis Ore,
- Lever,
- Loadestone,
- Logs (All),
- Melon,
- Mob Spawner,
- Moss Block,
- Mushroom Block,
- Mushroom (All),
- Nether Brick,
- Nether Gold Ore,
- Nether Wart Block,
- Netherite (All),
- Netherrack,
- Noteblock,
- Observer,
- Obsidian,
- Piston (All),
- Planks (All),
- Polished Blackstone Bricks,
- Powdered Snow,
- Prismarine (All),
- PurPur (All),
- Quartz Ore,
- Redstone Dust,
- Redstone Ore,
- Sand,
- Sandstone (All),
- Sapling (All),
- Scaffolding,
- Snow,
- Soul Torches,
- Stone (All),
- Sugar Cane.
- Target Block,
- Terracotta,
- TNT,
- Torch,
- Waterlily,
- Wool (All)
Pack Made By: "rekaSHADE"